normally distributed

normally distributed
мат. нормально распределенный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "normally distributed" в других словарях:

  • Normally distributed and uncorrelated does not imply independent — In probability theory, two random variables being uncorrelated does not imply their independence. In some contexts, uncorrelatedness implies at least pairwise independence (as when the random variables involved have Bernoulli distributions). It… …   Wikipedia

  • Sum of normally distributed random variables — In probability theory, if X and Y are independent random variables that are normally distributed, then X + Y is also normally distributed; i.e. if :X sim N(mu, sigma^2),and :Y sim N( u, au^2),and X and Y are independent, then:Z = X + Y sim N(mu + …   Wikipedia

  • distributed — adjective Date: 1968 1. characterized by a statistical distribution of a particular kind < a normally distributed random variable > 2. of, relating to, or being a computer network in which at least some of the processing is done by the individual …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Distributed generation — Distributed generation, also called on site generation, dispersed generation, embedded generation, decentralized generation, decentralized energy or distributed energy, generates electricity from many small energy sources. Local wind generator,… …   Wikipedia

  • Distributed Data Entry and Distributed Reporting — (DDE/DR)  A group of software applications used to process payroll and payroll related transactions by remote video display terminals, which are linked to the mainframe at the Minneapolis Accounting Service Center (ASC). The sites are also… …   Glossary of postal terms

  • Distributed element filter — Figure 1. A circuit featuring many of the f …   Wikipedia

  • Distributed data flow — An illustration of the basic concepts involved in the definition of a distributed data flow. Distributed data flow (also abbreviated as distributed flow) refers to a set of events in a distributed application or protocol that satisfies the… …   Wikipedia

  • Distributed element model — Fig.1 Transmission line. The distributed element model applied to a transmission line. This article is an example from the domain of electrical systems, which is a special case of the more general distributed parameter systems. In electrical… …   Wikipedia

  • Distributed database — A distributed database is a database in which storage devices are not all attached to a common CPU. It may be stored in multiple computers located in the same physical location, or may be dispersed over a network of interconnected computers.… …   Wikipedia

  • Distributed Computing Environment — The Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) is a software system developed in the early 1990s by a consortium that included Apollo Computer (later part of Hewlett Packard), IBM, Digital Equipment Corporation, and others. The DCE supplies a… …   Wikipedia

  • Distributed Sender Blackhole List — The Distributed Sender Blackhole List is a DNSBL that lists IP addresses of insecure e mail hosts. DSBL can be used by server administrators to tag or block e mail messages that come from insecure servers, which is often spam. The DSBL publishes… …   Wikipedia

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