normal topology
Смотреть что такое "normal topology" в других словарях:
Normal space — Separation Axioms in Topological Spaces Kolmogorov (T0) version T0 | T1 | T2 | T2½ | completely T2 T3 | T3½ | T4 | T5 | T6 In topology and related branches of mathematics, a no … Wikipedia
Topology — (Greek topos , place, and logos , study ) is the branch of mathematics that studies the properties of a space that are preserved under continuous deformations. Topology grew out of geometry, but unlike geometry, topology is not concerned with… … Wikipedia
Normal invariant — In mathematics, a normal map is a concept in geometric topology due to William Browder which is of fundamental importance in surgery theory. Given a Poincaré complex X, a normal map on X endows the space, roughly speaking, with some of the… … Wikipedia
Normal surface — In mathematics, a normal surface is a surface inside a triangulated 3 manifold that intersects each tetrahedron so that each component of intersection is a triangle or a quad (see figure). A triangle cuts off a vertex of the tetrahedron while a… … Wikipedia
Normal convergence — In mathematics normal convergence is a type of convergence for series of functions. Like absolute convergence, it has the useful property that it is preserved when the order of summation is changed. Contents 1 History 2 Definition 3 Distinctions … Wikipedia
Topology (electronics) — The topology of an electronic circuit is the form taken by the network of interconnections of the circuit components. Different specific values or ratings of the components are regarded as being the same topology.Strictly speaking, replacing a… … Wikipedia
Normal tube — In topology, a normal tube to a smooth curve is a manifold defined as the union of all discs such that all the discs have the same fixed radius; the center of each disc lies on the curve; and each disc lies in a plane normal to the curve where… … Wikipedia
Normal bundle — In differential geometry, a field of mathematics, a normal bundle is a particular kind of vector bundle, complementary to the tangent bundle, and coming from an embedding (or immersion). Contents 1 Definition 1.1 Riemannian manifold 1.2 … Wikipedia
Normal function — In axiomatic set theory, a function f : Ord → Ord is called normal (or a normal function) iff it is continuous (with respect to the order topology) and strictly monotonically increasing. This is equivalent to the following two conditions:… … Wikipedia
Normal family — In mathematics, with special application to complex analysis, a normal family is a pre compact family of continuous functions. Informally, this means that the functions in the family are not exceedingly numerous or widely spread out; rather, they … Wikipedia
Glossary of topology — This is a glossary of some terms used in the branch of mathematics known as topology. Although there is no absolute distinction between different areas of topology, the focus here is on general topology. The following definitions are also… … Wikipedia