normal subalgebra

normal subalgebra
мат. нормальная подалгебра

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "normal subalgebra" в других словарях:

  • Lorentz group — Group theory Group theory …   Wikipedia

  • Isomorphism theorem — In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, the isomorphism theorems are three theorems that describe the relationship between quotients, homomorphisms, and subobjects. Versions of the theorems exist for groups, rings, vector spaces, modules,… …   Wikipedia

  • Depth of noncommutative subrings — In ring theory and Frobenius algebra extensions, fields of mathematics, there is a notion of depth two subring or depth of a Frobenius extension. The notion of depth two is important in a certain noncommutative Galois theory, which generates Hopf …   Wikipedia

  • Biquaternion — In abstract algebra, the biquaternions are the numbers where w, x, y, and z are complex numbers and the elements of {1, i, j, k} multiply as in the quaternion group. As there are three types of complex number, so there are three types of… …   Wikipedia

  • Lie group — Lie groups …   Wikipedia

  • Kernel (algebra) — In the various branches of mathematics that fall under the heading of abstract algebra, the kernel of a homomorphism measures the degree to which the homomorphism fails to be injective. An important special case is the kernel of a matrix, also… …   Wikipedia

  • Real form (Lie theory) — Lie groups …   Wikipedia

  • Banach algebra — In mathematics, especially functional analysis, a Banach algebra, named after Stefan Banach, is an associative algebra A over the real or complex numbers which at the same time is also a Banach space. The algebra multiplication and the Banach… …   Wikipedia

  • Field of sets — Set algebra redirects here. For the basic properties and laws of sets, see Algebra of sets. In mathematics a field of sets is a pair where X is a set and is an algebra over X i.e., a non empty subset of the power set of X closed under the… …   Wikipedia

  • Focal subgroup theorem — In abstract algebra, the focal subgroup theorem describes the fusion of elements in a Sylow subgroup of a finite group. The focal subgroup theorem was introduced in (Higman 1958) and is the first major application of the transfer according to… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (S) — NOTOC S S duality S matrix S plane S transform S unit S.O.S. Mathematics SA subgroup Saccheri quadrilateral Sacks spiral Sacred geometry Saddle node bifurcation Saddle point Saddle surface Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics Safe prime Safe… …   Wikipedia

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