normal quantile
Смотреть что такое "normal quantile" в других словарях:
Quantile function — See also quantile. In probability theory, a quantile function of a probability distribution is the inverse F −1 of its cumulative distribution function (cdf) F . Assuming a continuous and strictly monotonic distribution function, scriptstyle… … Wikipedia
Normal distribution — This article is about the univariate normal distribution. For normally distributed vectors, see Multivariate normal distribution. Probability density function The red line is the standard normal distribution Cumulative distribution function … Wikipedia
Normal probability plot — The normal probability plot is a graphical technique for normality testing: assessing whether or not a data set is approximately normally distributed. Example of a normal probability plot. The data are plotted against a theoretical normal… … Wikipedia
Normal-Quantil-Plot — Ein Quantile Quantile Plot, kurz auch Q Q Plot genannt, ist eine grafische Darstellung, in der die Quantile zweier statistischer Variablen gegeneinander abgetragen werden. Der Quantile Quantile Plot wurde als Verfahren der explorativen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Van der Waerden test — Named for the Dutch mathematician Bartel Leendert van der Waerden, the Van der Waerden test is a statistical test that k population distribution functions are equal. The Van Der Waerden test converts the ranks from a standard Kruskal Wallis one… … Wikipedia
Función cuantil — En probabilidad la función cuantil de una distribución de probabilidad es la inversa de la función de distribución.[1] Dada una función de distribución continua y estrictamente monótona, , la función cuantil, F −1, devuelve un valor x tal… … Wikipedia Español
Error function — Plot of the error function In mathematics, the error function (also called the Gauss error function) is a special function (non elementary) of sigmoid shape which occurs in probability, statistics and partial differential equations. It is defined … Wikipedia
Student's t-test — A t test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows a Student s t distribution if the null hypothesis is supported. It is most commonly applied when the test statistic would follow a normal distribution if the value of … Wikipedia
Data transformation (statistics) — A scatterplot in which the areas of the sovereign states and dependent territories in the world are plotted on the vertical axis against their populations on the horizontal axis. The upper plot uses raw data. In the lower plot, both the area and… … Wikipedia
Multiple comparisons — In statistics, the multiple comparisons or multiple testing problem occurs when one considers a set of statistical inferences simultaneously.[1] Errors in inference, including confidence intervals that fail to include their corresponding… … Wikipedia
NQQ — abbr. Normal Quantile Quantile … Dictionary of abbreviations