normal mean
Смотреть что такое "normal mean" в других словарях:
Normal-gamma distribution — Normal gamma parameters: location (real) (real) (real) (real) support … Wikipedia
Normal-scaled inverse gamma distribution — Normal scaled inverse gamma parameters: location (real) (real) (real) (real) support … Wikipedia
Normal-inverse Gaussian distribution — Normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) parameters: μ location (real) α tail heavyness (real) β asymmetry parameter (real) δ scale parameter (real) support … Wikipedia
Normal-exponential-gamma distribution — Normal Exponential Gamma parameters: μ ∈ R mean (location) shape scale support: pdf … Wikipedia
Normal People Scare Me — Cover of DVD Directed by Keri Bowers, Taylor Cross Produced by Joey Travolta … Wikipedia
mean — [adj1] ungenerous close, greedy, mercenary, mingy, miserly, niggard, parsimonious, penny pinching*, penurious, rapacious, scrimpy, selfish, stingy, tight, tight fisted*; concept 334 Ant. generous, kind, unselfish mean [adj2] hostile, rude bad… … New thesaurus
Normal height — Normal heights are heights above sea level, one of several types of height which are all computed slightly differently. Alternatives are: orthometric heights and dynamic heights. The normal height H * of a point is computed from geopotential… … Wikipedia
Mean platelet volume — (MPV) is a machine calculated measurement of the average size of platelets found in blood and is typically included in blood tests as part of the CBC. Since the average platelet size is larger when the body is producing increased numbers of… … Wikipedia
Normal as Blueberry Pie — A Tribute to Doris Day Studio album by Nellie McKay Released October 1 … Wikipedia
mean — I (average) adjective central, grouping, intermediary, medial, median, medium, mesial, middle, midmost, statistical average II (base) adjective abject, brutal, contemptible, degrading, despicable, disgraceful, dishonorable, heinous, ignoble,… … Law dictionary
normal — [adj1] common, usual accustomed, acknowledged, average, commonplace, conventional, customary, general, habitual, mean, median, methodical, natural, orderly, ordinary, popular, prevalent, regular, routine, run of themill*, standard, traditional,… … New thesaurus