nonzero element

nonzero element
мат. ненулевой элемент

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nonzero element" в других словарях:

  • Regular element — may refer to: * In ring theory, a nonzero element of a ring that is neither a left nor a right zero divisor * A regular element of a Lie algebra …   Wikipedia

  • Inverse element — In abstract algebra, the idea of an inverse element generalises the concept of a negation, in relation to addition, and a reciprocal, in relation to multiplication. The intuition is of an element that can undo the effect of combination with… …   Wikipedia

  • Identity element — In mathematics, an identity element (or neutral element) is a special type of element of a set with respect to a binary operation on that set. It leaves other elements unchanged when combined with them. This is used for groups and related… …   Wikipedia

  • Two-element Boolean algebra — In mathematics and abstract algebra, the two element Boolean algebra is the Boolean algebra whose underlying set (or universe or carrier ) B is the Boolean domain. The elements of the Boolean domain are 1 and 0 by convention, so that B ={0,1}.… …   Wikipedia

  • Integral element — In commutative algebra, an element b of a commutative ring B is said to be integral over its subring A if there are such that That is to say, b is a root of a monic polynomial over A.[1] If B consists of elements that are integral over A, then B… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix (mathematics) — Specific elements of a matrix are often denoted by a variable with two subscripts. For instance, a2,1 represents the element at the second row and first column of a matrix A. In mathematics, a matrix (plural matrices, or less commonly matrixes)… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero divisor — In abstract algebra, a nonzero element a of a ring is a left zero divisor if there exists a nonzero b such that ab = 0.[1] Similarly, a nonzero element a of a ring is a right zero divisor if there exists a nonzero c such that ca = 0. An element… …   Wikipedia

  • Outline of algebraic structures — In universal algebra, a branch of pure mathematics, an algebraic structure is a variety or quasivariety. Abstract algebra is primarily the study of algebraic structures and their properties. Some axiomatic formal systems that are neither… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of ring theory — Ring theory is the branch of mathematics in which rings are studied: that is, structures supporting both an addition and a multiplication operation. This is a glossary of some terms of the subject. Contents 1 Definition of a ring 2 Types of… …   Wikipedia

  • Sparse matrix — A sparse matrix obtained when solving a finite element problem in two dimensions. The non zero elements are shown in black. In the subfield of numerical analysis, a sparse matrix is a matrix populated primarily with zeros (Stoer Bulirsch 2002,… …   Wikipedia

  • Absolute value (algebra) — In mathematics, an absolute value is a function which measures the size of elements in a field or integral domain. More precisely, if D is an integral domain, then an absolute value is any mapping | thinsp; sdot; thinsp;| from D to the real… …   Wikipedia

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