nonstop flight

nonstop flight
полет без промежуточной посадки, беспосадочный перелет безостановочный перелет

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nonstop flight" в других словарях:

  • nonstop flight — noun a flight made without intermediate stops between source and destination how many nonstops are there to Dallas? • Syn: ↑nonstop • Hypernyms: ↑flight …   Useful english dictionary

  • nonstop flight — n. flight without intermediate stops between the origin airport and destination …   English contemporary dictionary

  • nonstop — onstop n. A flight made without intermediate landings between source and destination; as, how many nonstops are there to Dallas?. Syn: nonstop flight. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nonstop — I noun a flight made without intermediate stops between source and destination how many nonstops are there to Dallas? • Syn: ↑nonstop flight • Hypernyms: ↑flight II adjective 1. (of a journey especially a flight) …   Useful english dictionary

  • nonstop — adj., adv. /non stop /; n. /non stop /, adj. 1. being without a single stop en route: a nonstop bus; a nonstop flight from New York to Paris. 2. happening, done, or held without a stop or pause or without offering relief or respite: The… …   Universalium

  • nonstop — 1. adjective Without stopping; without interruption or break; Theres a nonstop flight to Mauritius, but Im not sitting on the same plane for thirteen hours. 2. adverb Without stopping; without interruption or break …   Wiktionary

  • nonstop — adverb /nɒnˈstɒp/ (say non stop) 1. without stopping; continuously: it rained nonstop yesterday. –adjective /ˈnɒnstɒp/ (say nonstop) 2. without a single stop: a nonstop flight from Sydney to Perth. 3. conducted without slackening or interruption …  

  • nonstop — non|stop [ˌnɔnˈstɔp US ˌna:nˈsta:p] adj [usually before noun] without any stops or pauses →↑continuous ▪ a nonstop flight to Los Angeles >nonstop adv ▪ She talked nonstop for over an hour …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • nonstop — non|stop [ ,nan stap ] adjective 1. ) continuing without a pause: nonstop entertainment from noon to midnight 2. ) going directly from one place to another: a nonstop flight from New York to Paris ╾ non|stop adverb: We danced nonstop for about an …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • nonstop — adjective, adverb without stopping: She talked nonstop for over an hour. | a nonstop flight to Los Angeles …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • nonstop — non•stop [[t]ˈnɒnˈstɒp[/t]] adj. 1) being without a single stop en route: a nonstop flight from New York to Dallas[/ex] 2) cvb happening, done, or held without a pause: nonstop meetings[/ex] 3) cvb without a single stop en route 4) inf without… …   From formal English to slang

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