nonmarket work
Смотреть что такое "nonmarket work" в других словарях:
media convergence — Introduction phenomenon involving the interlocking of computing and information technology companies, telecommunications networks, and content providers from the publishing worlds of newspapers, magazines, music, radio, television, films, and… … Universalium
Economic democracy — is a socioeconomic philosophy that suggests a shift in decision making power from a small minority of corporate shareholders to a larger majority of public stakeholders. There is no single definition or approach for economic democracy, but most… … Wikipedia
productivity — pro·duc·tiv·i·ty (prō dŭk tĭvʹĭ tē, prŏd ək ) n. 1. The quality of being productive. 2. Economics. The rate at which goods or services are produced especially output per unit of labor. 3. Ecology. The rate at which radiant energy is used by… … Universalium
Michèle Pujol — The title of this article contains the character è. Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Michele Pujol. Dr. Michèle A. Pujol Full name Dr. Michèle A. Pujol Born 20 April 1 … Wikipedia
labour economics — Study of how workers are allocated among jobs, how their rates of pay are determined, and how their efficiency is affected by various factors. The labour force of a country includes all those who work for gain in any capacity as well as those who … Universalium
economics — /ek euh nom iks, ee keuh /, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind. 2. (used with a pl. v.) financial considerations;… … Universalium
Polanyi, Karl — ▪ Hungarian politician in full Karl Paul Polanyi born Oct. 25, 1886, Vienna, Austria died April 23, 1964, Pickering, Ont., Can. economic anthropologist and former Hungarian political leader. In college in Budapest Polanyi founded… … Universalium
economic stabilizer — Any of the institutions and practices in an economy that serve to reduce fluctuations in the business cycle through offsetting effects on the amounts of income available for spending (disposable income). The progressive income tax, unemployment… … Universalium
Gross domestic product — GDP redirects here. For other uses, see GDP (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Gross national product or Gross domestic income. CIA World Factbook 2005 figures of total nominal GDP (top) compared to PPP adjusted GDP (bottom) … Wikipedia
Agriculture and Food Supplies — ▪ 2007 Introduction Bird flu reached Europe and Africa, and concerns over BSE continued to disrupt trade in beef. An international vault for seeds was under construction on an Arctic island. Stocks of important food fish species were reported… … Universalium
Law and economics — Law and Economics, or economic analysis of law is an approach to legal theory that applies methods of economics to law. It includes the use of economic concepts to explain the effects of laws, to assess which legal rules are economically… … Wikipedia