nonlinear cam
Смотреть что такое "nonlinear cam" в других словарях:
Computer-aided engineering — Nonlinear static analysis of a 3D structure subjected to plastic deformations Computer aided engineering (CAE) is the broad usage of computer software to aid in engineering tasks.[1][2] … Wikipedia
John Guckenheimer — (b. 1945, Baton Rouge, LA) joined the Department of Mathematics at Cornell University in 1985. He was previously at the University of California at Santa Cruz (1973 1985). He was a Guggenheim fellow in 1984, and was elected president of the… … Wikipedia
Software tools for molecular microscopy — There are a large number of software tools or software applications that have been specifically developed for the field sometimes referred to as molecular microscopy or cryo electron microscopy or cryoEM. Several special issues of the Journal of… … Wikipedia
Neural network — For other uses, see Neural network (disambiguation). Simplified view of a feedforward artificial neural network The term neural network was traditionally used to refer to a network or circuit of biological neurons.[1] The modern usage of the term … Wikipedia
Circle criterion — In nonlinear control, the circle criterion is an important theorem in showing the stability of nonlinear time varying systems. It can be viewed as a generalization of the Nyquist stability criterion for LTI systems. Overview Consider a linear… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric model — A 96 hour forecast of 850 mbar geopotential height and temperature from the Global Forecast System An atmospheric model is a mathematical model constructed around the full set of primitive dynamical equations which govern atmospheric motions. It… … Wikipedia
Farbmodell — Alle Farben eines Farbmodells, die durch eine farbgebende Methode tatsächlich ausgegeben werden können, werden durch einen Farbraum repräsentiert. Jede „farbgebende Methode“ hat ihren eigenen Farbraum. Eine Darstellung aller Farborte eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Farbraum — Farbmodell, hier nach HSL Alle Farben eines Farbmodells, die durch eine farbgebende Methode tatsächlich ausgegeben werden können, werden dreidimensional als Farbraum dargestellt. Jede farbgebende Methode hat ihren eigenen Farbraum. Eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Farbraumsystem — Farbmodell Alle Farben eines Farbmodells, die durch eine farbgebende Methode tatsächlich ausgegeben werden können, werden durch einen Farbraum repräsentiert. Jede „farbgebende Methode“ hat ihren eigenen Farbraum. Eine Darstellung aller Farborte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Statistical inference — In statistics, statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions from data that are subject to random variation, for example, observational errors or sampling variation.[1] More substantially, the terms statistical inference,… … Wikipedia
Maximum likelihood — In statistics, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is a method of estimating the parameters of a statistical model. When applied to a data set and given a statistical model, maximum likelihood estimation provides estimates for the model s… … Wikipedia