Смотреть что такое "noninterest-bearing" в других словарях:
noninterest-bearing note — A note without periodic interest payment, but selling at a discount and maturing at face value. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary See: zero coupon bond. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
matured noninterest-bearing debt — Outstanding savings bonds and notes that have reached final maturity and no longer earn interest. Includes all Series A D, F, G, 1, J, and K bonds. Series E bonds (issued between May 1941 and November 1965), Series EE (issued since January 1980) … Financial and business terms
List of people pardoned by George W. Bush — The following is a partial list of people pardoned by George W. Bush. As of July 21, 2008, [ AJjGFriiYjUgsa4nBogD8VKMJGG7 Bush Pardons 15 And Commutes AQnother] Associated Pres , (March 25, 2007)]… … Wikipedia
federal funds — Member bank deposits at the Federal Reserve; these funds are loaned by member banks to other member banks. Chicago Board of Trade glossary Short term investments/borrowings between banks, usually called fed funds. The investing/lending bank… … Financial and business terms
equivalent bond yield — See bond equivalent yield. American Banker Glossary effective annual yield on a short term, noninterest bearing security calculated for comparison to yields quoted on coupon securities. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
domestic series — Nonmarketable interest and noninterest bearing securities issued periodically by the Treasury to the Resolution Funding Corporation (RFC ) for investment of funds authorized under section 21B of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act . Bloomberg… … Financial and business terms
reserve ratios — Specified percentages of deposits, established by the Federal Reserve Board, that banks must keep in a noninterest bearing account at one of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
passive bond — A noninterest bearing bond the holder of which is by its terms to have some future advantage or profit from it … Ballentine's law dictionary
South Africa — Republic of, a country in S Africa; member of the Commonwealth of Nations until 1961. 42,327,458; 472,000 sq. mi. (1,222,480 sq. km). Capitals: Pretoria and Cape Town. Formerly, Union of South Africa. * * * South Africa Introduction South Africa… … Universalium