- nonet
- ˈnəunet сущ.;
муз. нонет (музыкальное) нонет nonet муз. нонет
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
nonet — NONÉT, nonete, s.n. Formaţie alcătuită din nouă persoane (instrumentişti sau cântăreţi) care execută împreună o compoziţie muzicală; p. ext. compoziţie muzicală compusă pentru o astfel de formaţie. – Din it. nonetto. Trimis de ana zecheru,… … Dicționar Român
nonet — nònēt m <G nonéta> DEFINICIJA glazb. 1. skladba za devet glasova ili solističkih instrumenata 2. orkestar od devet instrumenata ili skupina od devet pjevača ETIMOLOGIJA engl. nonet, njem. Nonette, tal. nonetto ← lat., v. nona … Hrvatski jezični portal
Nonet — No*net , Nonetto No*net to, n. [From L. nonus ninth, like E. duet, fr. L. duo.] (Mus.) A composition for nine instruments, rarely for nine voices. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nonet — composition for nine instruments, 1865, from It. nonetto, from nono ninth, from L. nonus (see NONES (Cf. nones)) … Etymology dictionary
nonet — [nō net′] n. [It nonetto < nono, ninth (L nonus) + (du)etto, duet] Music 1. a composition for nine voices or nine instruments 2. a group of nine performers of such a composition, or any group of nine musicians playing together … English World dictionary
Nonet — A nonet refers to a group of nine. In music, a nonet is a composition which requires nine musicians for a performance. Spohr and Martinu composed nonets. In poetry, a nonet is a nine line poem, with the first line containing nine syllables, the… … Wikipedia
Nonet — Nonette Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Une nonnette est une jeune nonne. La Nonette est un affluent de l Oise. Un nonette ou nonet est un ensemble composé de neuf musiciens. La nonnette … Wikipédia en Français
nonet — /noh net /, n. Music. 1. a group of nine performers or instruments. 2. a composition for a nonet. [1860 65; < It nonetto, deriv. of nono ninth < L nonus. See ET] * * * … Universalium
nonet — noun a) a composition written for nine instruments or nine voices The small group sides are the best, with the nonet in particular coming through as a sparkling unit. b) a group of nine nuclear or subatomic particles … Wiktionary
nonet — no•net [[t]noʊˈnɛt[/t]] n. 1) mad a group of nine voices or instruments 2) mad a composition for a nonet • Etymology: 1860–65; < It nonetto … From formal English to slang
nonét — a m (ẹ̑) muz. ansambel, sestavljen iz devetih instrumentalistov ali pevcev: nastop, sestav noneta // skladba za tak ansambel: napisati nonet … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika