- nonaggression pact
- договор о ненападении пакт о ненападении
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
nonaggression pact — [nän΄ə gresh′ən] n. an agreement between two nations not to attack each other, usually for a specified period of years * * * … Universalium
nonaggression pact — [nän΄ə gresh′ən] n. an agreement between two nations not to attack each other, usually for a specified period of years … English World dictionary
German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact — or Nazi Soviet Nonaggression Pact (Aug. 23, 1939) Agreement stipulating mutual nonaggression between the Soviet Union and Germany. The Soviet Union, whose proposed collective security agreement with Britain and France was rebuffed, approached… … Universalium
pact — /pakt/, n. 1. an agreement, covenant, or compact: We made a pact not to argue any more. 2. an agreement or treaty between two or more nations: a pact between Germany and Italy. [1400 50; late ME pact(e) < MF < L pactum, n. use of neut. of ptp. of … Universalium
nonaggression — non•ag•gres•sion [[t]ˌnɒn əˈgrɛʃ ən[/t]] n. 1) the state or fact of abstaining from aggressive behavior: a small nation admired for its nonaggression[/ex] 2) Also, non ag•gres′sive. of, demonstrating, or entailing abstention from aggression: The… … From formal English to slang
nonaggression — nonaggressive, adj. nonaggressively, adv. nonaggressiveness, n. /non euh gresh euhn/ n. 1. abstention from aggression, esp. by a nation. adj. 2. of or pertaining to abstention from aggression: a nonaggression pact. [1900 05; NON + AGGRESSION] * * … Universalium
nonaggression — noun a policy of not initiating hostilities they signed a nonaggression pact • Hypernyms: ↑foreign policy … Useful english dictionary
pact — n. 1) to agree to, make; sign a pact 2) to denounce a pact 3) a formal; informal pact 4) a defense; mutual assistance; nonaggression; trade pact 5) a pact to + inf. (we had a pact not to reveal the facts of the case) 6) a pact that + clause (the… … Combinatory dictionary
Anti-Comintern Pact — /an tee kom in terrn , kom in terrn , an tuy / a pact formed in 1936, based on agreements between Germany and Japan to oppose communism and the Third International: Italy and Spain subsequently became signatories. * * * Agreement concluded first… … Universalium
Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact — Soviet Japanese Neutrality Pact, 13 April 1941 … Wikipedia
Kellogg-Briand Pact — /kel awg bree ahnd , brddee ahonn , og / a treaty renouncing war as an instrument of national policy and urging peaceful means for the settlement of international disputes, originally signed in 1928 by 15 nations, later joined by 49 others. Also… … Universalium