Смотреть что такое "non-unionism" в других словарях:
non-unionism — /nɒn ˈjunjənɪzəm/ (say non yoohnyuhnizuhm) noun disregard of or opposition to trade unions. –non unionist, noun …
Unionism in Ireland — Unionism in Ireland, is a belief in the desirability of a full constitutional and institutional relationship between Ireland and Great Britain based on the terms and order of government of the Act of Union 1800 which had merged both countries in… … Wikipedia
Non-English press of the Communist Party USA — This article is about publications of the Communist Party USA in languages other than English. For a similar list of the party s English language publications, see English language press of the Communist Party USA. During the nine decades since… … Wikipedia
Voluntary student unionism — (VSU) is a policy, notable in Australia, under which membership of – and payment of membership fees to – university student organisations is voluntary. Voluntary student unionism has been implemented in Australia and at the University of Auckland … Wikipedia
Student unionism in Australia — Australia s universities are home to a variety of different student union groups, providing a range of political, commercial and other services to students. The sector has undergone substantial change in recent years, with a decline in… … Wikipedia
Social Movement Unionism — is a trend of theory and practice in contemporary trade unionism. Strongly associated with the organising model of trade unionism, it also overlaps with Community Unionism. Social Movement Unionism attempts to integrate workers, trade unions and… … Wikipedia
Open-source unionism — is a term coined by academics Richard B. Freeman and Joel Rogers to explain a possible new model for organizing workers that depended on the labor movement taking its own historical lessons with diversified membership seriously and relying more… … Wikipedia
Student unionism in Finland — In Finland the higher education system comprises two parallel sectors: universities and universities of applied sciences (polytechnics). Universities are characterised by scientific research and the highest education based thereon. Universities… … Wikipedia
Student unionism in the United Kingdom — In universities in Great Britain students unions are constituted under Section 2 of the Education Act 1994. The ultimate purpose of students unions is to democratically represent the interests of their members. Students who resign their… … Wikipedia
nonunionism — non·unionism … English syllables
nonunionism — nonunionist, n. /non yoohn yeuh niz euhm/, n. disregard of or opposition to trade unions. [1890 95; NON + UNIONISM] * * * … Universalium