Смотреть что такое "non-uniformly" в других словарях:
non — non·bank; non·belligerent; non·book; non·combatant; non·combustible; non·committal; non·conformist; non·de·script; non·effective; non·essential; non·existent; non·immune; non·interventionist; non·ionic; non·ju·rant; non·literate; non·metallic;… … English syllables
non-uniform — adjective not uniform; varying. Derivatives non uniformity noun non uniformly adverb … English new terms dictionary
non-uniform — /nɒn ˈjunəfɔm/ (say non yoohnuhfawm) adjective not uniform. –non uniformly, adverb …
Non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber — (NZDSF), specified in ITU T G.655, is a type of single mode optical fiber which was designed to overcome the problems of dispersion shifted fiber. NZDSF is available in two primary flavors: NZD+ and NZD , which differ in their zero dispersion… … Wikipedia
Non-standard calculus — Abraham Robinson Contents 1 Motivation … Wikipedia
Uniformly most powerful test — In statistical hypothesis testing, a uniformly most powerful (UMP) test is a hypothesis test which has the greatest power 1 eta among all possible tests of a given size α . For example, according to the Neyman Pearson lemma, the likelihood ratio … Wikipedia
Non-uniform discrete Fourier transform — In applied mathematics, the non uniform discrete Fourier transform (NDFT) of a signal is a type of Fourier transform, related to a discrete Fourier transform or discrete time Fourier transform, but in which the input signal is not sampled at… … Wikipedia
nonuniformly — non·uniformly … English syllables
Sundial — A sundial is a device that measures time by the position of the Sun. In common designs such as the horizontal sundial, the sun casts a shadow from its style (a thin rod or a sharp, straight edge) onto a flat surface marked with lines indicating… … Wikipedia
Weightlessness — Zero gravity redirects here. For other uses, see Zero gravity (disambiguation). Zero G redirects here. For other uses, see Zero G (disambiguation). 0G redirects here. For other uses, see 0G (disambiguation). Weightlessness (or zero g) is the… … Wikipedia
Uniform absolute-convergence — In mathematics, uniform absolute convergence is a type of convergence for series of functions. Like absolute convergence, it has the useful property that it is preserved when the order of summation is changed. Motivation A convergent series of… … Wikipedia