

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "non-truncated" в других словарях:

  • Non-linear least squares — is the form of least squares analysis which is used to fit a set of m observations with a model that is non linear in n unknown parameters (m > n). It is used in some forms of non linear regression. The basis of the method is to… …   Wikipedia

  • Truncated 24-cell — 24 cell …   Wikipedia

  • Truncated 5-cell — 5 cell …   Wikipedia

  • Truncated rhombic triacontahedron — The truncated rhombic triacontahedron is a convex polyhedron constructed from the rhombic triacontahedron by truncating the twelve vertices where five faces meet at their acute corners.The 12 vertices can be truncated such that all edges are… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-RAID drive architectures — Main article: RAID The most widespread standard for configuring multiple hard drives is RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), which comes in a number of standard configurations and non standard configurations. Non RAID drive architectures… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-US battlefield UAVs — Multiple unmanned aerial vehicles for battlefield use (battlefield UAVs) are operational in countries around the world, with even more currently in development. This article deals with those in countries other than United States. For the numerous …   Wikipedia

  • Long non-coding RNA — Long noncoding RNAs (long ncRNAs) are generally considered (somewhat arbitrarily) as non protein coding transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides. This limit is due to practical considerations including the separation of RNAs in common experimental …   Wikipedia

  • Public key fingerprint — In public key cryptography, a public key fingerprint is a short sequence of bytes used to authenticate or look up a longer public key. Fingerprints are created by applying a cryptographic hash function to a public key. Since fingerprints are… …   Wikipedia

  • Fourier optics — is the study of classical optics using techniques involving Fourier transforms and can be seen as an extension of the Huygens Fresnel principle. The underlying theorem that light waves can be described as made up of sinusoidal waves, in a manner… …   Wikipedia

  • Aerospike engine — The aerospike engine is a type of rocket engine that maintains its aerodynamic efficiency across a wide range of altitudes through the use of an aerospike nozzle. It is a member of the class of altitude compensating nozzle engines. A vehicle with …   Wikipedia

  • неусеченный — — [[ d=23]] Тематики защита информации EN non truncated …   Справочник технического переводчика

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