

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "non-stretched" в других словарях:

  • Stretched tuning — is a detail of musical tuning, applied to wire stringed musical instruments, older, non digital electric pianos (such as the Fender Rhodes piano and Wurlitzer electric piano), and sample based synthesizers based on these instruments, to… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-volcanic passive margins — (NVPM) constitute one end member of the transitional crustal types that lie beneath passive continental margins; the other end member being volcanic passive margins (VPM). Transitional crust welds continental crust to oceanic crust along the… …   Wikipedia

  • Stretched exponential function — Figure 1. Illustration of a stretched exponential fit (with β=0.52) to an empirical master curve. For comparison, a least squares single and a double exponential fit are also shown. The data are rotational anisotropy of anthracene in… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-finite verb — In linguistics, a non finite verb (or a verbal) is a verb form that is not limited by a subject and, more generally, is not fully inflected by categories that are marked inflectionally in language, such as tense, aspect, mood, number, gender, and …   Wikipedia

  • Official state car — An official state car is a car used by a government to transport its head of state in an official capacity, which may also be used occasionally to transport other members of the government or visiting dignitaries from other countries. On a state… …   Wikipedia

  • Muriel Nezhnie Helfman — Nezhnie in her studio with cartoon for Daughters of Earth Muriel Nezhnie Helfman (February 28, 1934 to April 9, 2002), known professionally as Nezhnie, was an American artist, primarily weaving large tapestries throughout 1956–1992. She gained… …   Wikipedia

  • Entropy (order and disorder) — Boltzmann s molecules (1896) shown at a rest position in a solid In thermodynamics, entropy is commonly associated with the amount of order, disorder, and/or chaos in a thermodynamic system. This stems from Rudolf Clausius 1862 assertion that any …   Wikipedia

  • Native American music — Introduction       music of the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere. The Americas contain hundreds of native communities, each with its own distinctive history, language, and musical culture. These communities although united in placing… …   Universalium

  • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors — For more specific information regarding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, see Eigendecomposition of a matrix. In this shear mapping the red arrow changes direction but the blue arrow does not. Therefore the blue arrow is an… …   Wikipedia

  • Historical powers — include great powers, nations, or empires in history. The term Great power represent the most important world powers. In a modern context, recognised great powers came about first in Europe during the post Napoleonic era.[1] The formalization of… …   Wikipedia

  • Eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace — In mathematics, given a linear transformation, an Audio|De eigenvector.ogg|eigenvector of that linear transformation is a nonzero vector which, when that transformation is applied to it, changes in length, but not direction. For each eigenvector… …   Wikipedia

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