non-standard — ˌnon ˈstandard adjective not the usual size or type: • The company is to introduce a non standard week, which would make Saturday and Sunday regular work days. * * * non standard UK US /ˌnɒnˈstændəd/ adjective ► not of the normal type or size:… … Financial and business terms
non standard — ● non standard adjectif Qui ne répond pas aux canons d un modèle habituel, aux normes courantes d un appareil. ● non standard (expressions) adjectif Analyse ou mathématique non standard, domaine des mathématiques développé en 1966 par A. Robinson … Encyclopédie Universelle
non-standard — adj 1.) non standard ways of speaking are not usually considered to be correct by educated speakers of a language ▪ Non standard dialects of English are regional dialects. 2.) not the usual size or type ▪ a non standard disk size … Dictionary of contemporary English
non-standard — (adj.) also nonstandard, 1926, from NON (Cf. non ) + STANDARD (Cf. standard). A linguist s value neutral term for language formerly stigmatized as bad or vulgar … Etymology dictionary
non-standard — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not average, normal, or usual. 2) (of language) not of the form accepted as standard … English terms dictionary
non-standard — nonstandard onstandard, non standard on standardadj. 1. varying from or not adhering to a standard; as, nonstandard windows; envelopes of nonstandard sizes; non standard lengths of board cost more per foot. Opposite of {standard}. [Narrower terms … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
non-standard — ADJ: usu ADJ n Non standard things are different from the usual version or type of that thing. ...non standard window shapes... The shop is completely out of non standard sizes. (in AM usually use, and in BRIT sometimes use nonstandard) … English dictionary
non-standard — UK / US adjective 1) not the usual type a non standard contract 2) linguistics non standard forms of language are different from those that are usually considered to be correct non standard grammar … English dictionary
non-standard — adjective 1 not the usual size or type: a non standard disk size 2 non standard words, expressions, or pronunciations are not usually considered to be correct by educated speakers of a language, for example gotta in the sentence I gotta go … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
non-standard — adj. Non standard is used with these nouns: ↑dialect … Collocations dictionary
ˌnon-ˈstandard — adj linguistics non standard forms of language are different from those that are usually thought to be correct … Dictionary for writing and speaking English