Смотреть что такое "non-sectoral" в других словарях:
Non-governmental organization — NGO redirects here. For other uses, see NGO (disambiguation). A non governmental organization (NGO) is a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any government. The term originated… … Wikipedia
Carlos Gutiérrez Ruiz — Carlos Gutiérrez Ruíz (born 1959 in Mexico City). Mexican politician. Currently Director General of the National Housing Commission.His career*2000 2002, was Sectoral Business Director of INFONAVIT and member of the INFONAVIT Board of Directors.… … Wikipedia
International Fiscal Association — The International Fiscal Association was established in 1938 with its headquarters in the Netherlands. It is the only non governmental and non sectoral international organisation dealing with fiscal matters. Its objects are the study and… … Wikipedia
Definitions of terrorism — Terrorism Definitions · Counter terrorism International conventions Anti terrorism legislation Terrorism insurance … Wikipedia
IBSA Dialogue Forum — The IBSA Dialogue Forum (India, Brazil, South Africa) represents three important poles for galvanizing South South cooperation and greater understanding between three important continents of the developing world namely, Africa, Asia and South… … Wikipedia
Language policy — Many countries have a language policy designed to favour or discourage the use of a particular language or set of languages. Although nations historically have used language policies most often to promote one official language at the expense of… … Wikipedia
Economics of global warming — This article describes the economics of global warming and climate change. Contents 1 Definitions 2 Climate change science 3 Scenarios 4 Trends and projections … Wikipedia
mobility, social — The movement usually of individuals but sometimes of whole groups between different positions within the system of social stratification in any society. It is conventional to distinguish upward and downward mobility (that is, movement up or down… … Dictionary of sociology
Committee of European Banking Supervisors — The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) was an independent advisory group on banking supervision in the European Union.[1] Established by the European Commission in 2004 by Decision 2004/5/EC,[2] and its charter revised on 23 January … Wikipedia
District Planning in Kerala — District Planning is the process of planning covering all local governments in a district based on a district level development policy and integrating the district and sub district plans of all the local governments into a consolidated district… … Wikipedia
Congress of the Philippines — Parliament of the Philippines redirects here. For historical Philippine parliaments, see Interim Batasang Pambansa and Regular Batasang Pambansa. Congress of the Philippines Kongreso ng Pilipinas 15th Congress of the Philippines Type Type … Wikipedia