Смотреть что такое "non-reliability" в других словарях:
Reliability engineering — is an engineering field, that deals with the study of reliability: the ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time. [ Definition by IEEE] It is often reported in terms… … Wikipedia
Reliability theory of aging and longevity — is a scientific approach aimed to gain theoretical insights into mechanisms of biological aging and species survival patterns by applying a general theory of systems failure, known as reliability theory. OverviewReliability theory allows… … Wikipedia
Reliability centered maintenance — Reliability Centered Maintenance, often known as RCM , is an industrial improvement approach focused on identifying and establishing the operational, maintenance, and capital improvement policies that will manage the risks of equipment failure… … Wikipedia
Non-regression testing — (NRT) is an approach of software testing. The purpose of non regression testing is to verify that, after introducing or updating a given software application, previous software functions have not been compromised. This is aimed at preventing… … Wikipedia
Non-denial denial — is a statement that seems direct, clearcut and unambiguous at first hearing, but when carefully parsed is revealed not to be a denial at all, and is thus not untruthful. It is a case in which words that are literally true are used to convey a… … Wikipedia
Non-rocket spacelaunch — Non rocket space launch (NRS) is a launch into space where some or all needed speed and altitude is provided by non rocket means, rather than simply using conventional chemical rockets from the ground. A number of alternatives to rockets have… … Wikipedia
Non-functional tests — Non functional testing is the testing of a software application for its non functional requirements. The names of many non functional tests are often used interchangeably because of the overlap in scope between various non functional requirements … Wikipedia
Non-functional testing — is the testing of a software application for its non functional requirements. The names of many non functional tests are often used interchangeably because of the overlap in scope between various non functional requirements. For example, software … Wikipedia
Reliability of Wikipedia — Vandalism of a Wikipedia article. The section on the left is the normal, undamaged version; and on the right is the edited, damaged version. The reliabili … Wikipedia
Non-invasive intracranial pressure measurement methods — Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) is one of the major causes of secondary brain ischemia that accompanies a variety of pathological conditions, most notably, traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, and intracranial hemorrhages. However, aside… … Wikipedia
Reliability Councils — Regional reliability councils were organized after the 1965 northeast blackout to coordinate reliability practices and avoid or minimize future outages. They are voluntary organizations of transmission owning utilities and in some cases power… … Energy terms