non-random sample
Смотреть что такое "non-random sample" в других словарях:
non-random sample — neatsitiktinė imtis statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai atitikmenys: angl. non random sample ryšiai: platesnis terminas – imtis šaltinis Pagrindinės epidemiologijos sąvokos : mokomasis žodynas / Kauno medicinos universitetas ; [sudarytojas… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
sample selection bias — Non random selection is both a source of bias in empirical research and a fundamental aspect of many social processes. When observations in social research are selected so that they are not independent of the outcome variables in a study, sample… … Dictionary of sociology
sample — imtis statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis 1) iš ↑populiacijos tyrimui atrinktų individų grupė; 2) iš ↑generalinės aibės tyrimui atrinktų objektų poaibis. Imtis gali būti atsitiktinė arba neatsitiktinė ir reprezentatyvioji arba… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Sample size determination — is the act of choosing the number of observations to include in a statistical sample. The sample size is an important feature of any empirical study in which the goal is to make inferences about a population from a sample. In practice, the sample … Wikipedia
Non-revenue water — (NRW) is water that has been produced and is “lost” before it reaches the customer. Losses can be real losses (through leaks, sometimes also referred to as physical losses) or apparent losses (for example through theft or metering inaccuracies).… … Wikipedia
Sample size — The sample size of a statistical sample is the number of observations that constitute it. It is typically denoted n , a positive integer (natural number).Typically, all else being equal, a larger sample size leads to increased precision in… … Wikipedia
sample — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 people in a survey ADJECTIVE ▪ large, small ▪ total ▪ population ▪ national ▪ ran … Collocations dictionary
Random walk — A random walk, sometimes denoted RW, is a mathematical formalization of a trajectory that consists of taking successive random steps. The results of random walk analysis have been applied to computer science, physics, ecology, economics and a… … Wikipedia
Sample Selection Bias — A type of bias caused by choosing non random data for statistical analysis. The bias exists due to a flaw in the sample selection process, where a subset of the data is systematically excluded due to a particular attribute. The exclusion of the… … Investment dictionary
Sample maximum and minimum — Box plots of the Michelson–Morley experiment, showing sample maximums and minimums. In statistics, the maximum and sample minimum, also called the largest observation, and smallest observation, are the values of the greatest and least elements of … Wikipedia
Random coil — A random coil is a polymer conformation where the monomer subunits are oriented randomly while still being bonded to adjacent units. It is not one specific shape, but a statistical distribution of shapes for all the chains in a population of… … Wikipedia