non-participating share
Смотреть что такое "non-participating share" в других словарях:
non-participating shares — ➔ Share * * * non participating shares UK US noun [plural] ► FINANCE, STOCK MARKET shares in a company that pay a fixed rate of interest rather than a share of the company s profit: »With non participating shares you do not have the right to a… … Financial and business terms
non-participating preference share — A preference share that does not carry a right to participate in the profits of a company beyond a fixed rate of dividend. This is the most common type of preference share … Accounting dictionary
non-participating preference share — A preference share that does not carry a right to participate in the profits of a company beyond a fixed rate of dividend This is the most common type of preference share … Big dictionary of business and management
non-participating — adj. not taking part. * * * non particˈipating adjective 1. Not taking part 2. (of shares, etc) not giving the holder the right to a share in profits • • • Main Entry: ↑non … Useful english dictionary
share — Shares represent a slice in the ownership of a company. Financial Services Glossary The authorised share capital of a company is divided into a number of equal parts. Each part is called a share. See ordinary shares, preference shares, securities … Financial and business terms
non|par|tic|i|pat|ing — «NON puhr TIHS uh PAY tihng», adjective. 1. not participating: »The United States was a nonparticipating country in the League of Nations. 2. Insurance. that does not give its owner the right to share in profits or surplus: »a nonparticipating… … Useful english dictionary
Share Incentive Plan — The Share Incentive Plan (the ‘SIP’) was first introduced in the UK in 2000. SIP s are an HMRC (Her Majesty s Revenue Customs) approved, tax efficient all employee plan, which provides companies with the flexibility to tailor the plan to meet… … Wikipedia
Criticism of non-standard analysis — Non standard analysis and its offshoot, non standard calculus, have been criticized by several authors. The evaluation of non standard analysis in the literature has varied greatly. Joseph Dauben described it as a scientific revolution, while… … Wikipedia
Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement — The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) was entered in November 1998, originally between the four largest US tobacco companies and the attorneys general of 46 states. The states settled their Medicaid lawsuits against the tobacco industry… … Wikipedia
Water Resources Development Act of 1996 — The Water Resources Development Act of 1996 (WRDA 1996) is part of USPL|104|303, was enacted by Congress of the United States on October 12, 1996. [ [ bin/bdquery/D?d104:11:./temp/ bdaCj8:@@@D summ2=m… … Wikipedia
Medicare (United States) — President Johnson signing the Medicare amendment. Former President Harry S. Truman (seated) and his wife, Bess, are on the far right … Wikipedia