

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "non-oscillatory" в других словарях:

  • Non-Newtonian fluid — Continuum mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Shock capturing methods — In computational fluid dynamics, shock capturing methods are a class of techniques for computing inviscid flows with shock waves. Computation of flow through shock waves is an extremely difficult task because such flows results in sharp,… …   Wikipedia

  • Björn Engquist — (* 2. Juni 1945 in Stockholm) ist ein schwedischer angewandter Mathematiker. Engquist wurde 1969 an der Universität Uppsala bei Heinz Otto Kreiss in Numerischer Mathematik promoviert. Danach lehrte er an der University of California, Los Angeles …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ami Harten — Amiram „Ami“ Harten (* 1946; † 5. August 1994) war ein israelischer Mathematiker, der sich mit Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen beschäftigte. Harten wurde 1974 an der New York University bei Peter Lax promoviert (The Method of… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Stanley Osher — Stanley Joel Osher (* 24. April 1942 in Brooklyn) ist ein US amerikanischer angewandter Mathematiker. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und Werk 2 Schriften 3 Literatur 4 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • переходное восстанавливающееся напряжение — ПВН Восстанавливающееся напряжение в течение времени, когда оно имеет заметно выраженный переходный характер. Оно может быть колебательным или апериодическим или их комбинацией, в зависимости от характеристик цепи и выключателя, отражает также… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Tanh-sinh quadrature — is a method for numerical integration introduced by Hidetosi Takahasi and Masatake Mori in 1974.[1] It uses the change of variables to transform an integral on the interval x ∈ (−1, +1) to an integral on the entire real line… …   Wikipedia

  • Carl Eckart — Carl Henry Eckart (May 4, 1902 in St. Louis, Missouri ndash; October 23, 1973 in La Jolla, California) was an American physicist, physical oceanographer, geophysicist, and administrator. He co developed the Wigner Eckart theorem and is also known …   Wikipedia

  • Neutrino — For other uses, see Neutrino (disambiguation). Neutrino/Antineutrino The first use of a hydrogen bubble chamber to detect neutrinos, on November 13, 1970. A neutrino hit a proton in a hydrogen atom. The collision occurred at the point where three …   Wikipedia

  • Bicycle and motorcycle dynamics — A computer generated, simplified model of bike and rider demonstrating an uncontrolled right turn. An …   Wikipedia

  • MUSCL scheme — MUSCL stands for Monotone Upstream centered Schemes for Conservation Laws , and the term was introduced in a seminal paper by Bram van Leer (van Leer, 1979). In this paper he constructed the first high order , total variation diminishing (TVD)… …   Wikipedia

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