Смотреть что такое "non-isothermal" в других словарях:
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Microwave chemistry — is the science of applying microwave irradiation to chemical reactions.[1][2][3][4] Microwaves act as high frequency electric fields and will generally heat any material containing mobile electric charges, such as polar molecules in a solvent or… … Wikipedia
Stress relaxation — describes how polymers relieve stress under constant strain. Because they are viscoelastic, polymers behave in a nonlinear, non Hookean fashion.Meyers and Chawla. Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1999) ISBN 0 13 262817 1] This nonlinearity is… … Wikipedia
Wagner model — is a rheological model developed for the prediction of the viscoelastic properties of polymers. It might be considered as a simplified practical form of the Bernstein Kearsley Zapas model. The model was developed by German rheologist Manfred… … Wikipedia
Silvaco — Infobox Company company name = Silvaco International company company type = Private Company| foundation = 1984 location = key people = Dr Ivan Pesic, President/CEO industry = Software Programming homepage = [… … Wikipedia
Marcel Crochet — Marcel, baron Crochet (23 novembre1938 à Uccle en Belgique ) est un ingénieur civil électricien et mécanicien et professeur émérite de l’Université catholique de Louvain. Sommaire 1 Biographie 1.1 Les études 1.2 … Wikipédia en Français
RDX — For other uses, see RDX (disambiguation). RDX … Wikipedia
Неизотермический магистральный трубопровод — (a. non isothermal main pipeline; н. Fernrohrleitung ohne Warmedammung; ф. conduite maitresse non isothermique; и. tuberia magistral no isotermica, conducto principal no isotermico) комплекс сооружений для транспортирования на большие… … Геологическая энциклопедия
Micro process engineering — is the science of conducting chemical or physical processes (unit operations) inside small volumina, typically inside channels with diameters of less than 1 mm (microchannels) or other structures with sub millimeter dimensions. These… … Wikipedia
Cobalt(II)-acetat — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Cobalt(II) acetat Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nickelacetat — Strukturformel … Deutsch Wikipedia