- non-inflammable
- прил. негорючий, невоспламеняемый, огнестойкий Syn : incombustible, uninflammable
невоспламеняемый - * film негорючая кинопленка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
non-inflammable — adjective not catching fire easily. Usage The adjectives non inflammable and non flammable have the same meaning: see usage at inflammable … English new terms dictionary
non-inflammable — non inflammˈable (↑inflammable) adj • • • Main Entry: ↑non … Useful english dictionary
non-inflammable — /nɒn ɪnˈflæməbəl/ (say non in flamuhbuhl) adjective not easily set alight. –non inflammably, adverb …
inflammable — [ ɛ̃flamabl ] adj. • 1390; du lat. inflammare ♦ Qui a la propriété de s enflammer facilement et de brûler vivement. L essence, le phosphore sont des matières inflammables. Gaz inflammable. ⊗ CONTR. Apyre, ignifugé, ininflammable. ● inflammable… … Encyclopédie Universelle
inflammable — [adj] ready to burn burnable, combustible, dangerous, flammable, hazardous, ignitable, incendiary, risky, unsafe; concept 485 Ant. fire proof, incombustible, nonflammable, non inflammable … New thesaurus
non feu — ● non feu adjectif invariable Se dit d un matériau incombustible et non inflammable par nature et de façon permanente … Encyclopédie Universelle
non-flammable — adjective not catching fire easily. Usage The adjectives non flammable and non inflammable have the same meaning: see usage at flammable … English new terms dictionary
inflammable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ easily set on fire. ► NOUN ▪ a substance which is easily set on fire. DERIVATIVES inflammability noun inflammableness noun inflammably adverb. USAGE The words inflammable and … English terms dictionary
non-flammable — adj. not inflammable. * * * adj not flammable, fireproof, fire resistant, flame resistant, incombustible, uninflammable ≠ flammable, inflammable * * * non flammˈable adjective 1. Not easily set on fire 2. Not flammable (non flam film acetate… … Useful english dictionary
inflammable — (in fla mma bl ) adj. 1° Qui s enflamme facilement. • Il y a des arts qui ont aussi tout changé dans le monde ; tel est celui de la poudre inflammable, VOLT. Moeurs, rem. VIII. Terme de chimie. Substances inflammables, substances simples,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Non-lethal weapon — Pepper spray demonstration Non lethal weapons, also called less lethal weapons, less than lethal weapons, non deadly weapons, compliance weapons, or pain inducing weapons are weapons intended to be less likely to kill a living target than are… … Wikipedia