Смотреть что такое "non-finite" в других словарях:
non-finite — adj technical a non finite verb does not show a particular tense or subject, and is either the ↑infinitive or the ↑participle form of the verb, for example go in the sentence Do you want to go home? ≠ ↑finite … Dictionary of contemporary English
non-finite — on finite adj. (Grammar) Infinitive, uninflected; of verbs. Opposite of {finite}. Syn: infinite. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
non-finite — adjective LINGUISTICS a non finite verb is either a participle or an infinitive and so does not show a particular tense … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Non finite — (лат.) неопределенность, беспредельность … Философская энциклопедия
non-finite — adjective of verbs; having neither person nor number nor mood (as a participle or gerund or infinitive) infinite verb form • Syn: ↑infinite • Ant: ↑finite (for: ↑infinite) • Topics: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
non-finite — ADJ: usu ADJ n A non finite clause is a clause which is based on an infinitive or a participle and has no tense. Compare finite. (in AM usually use, and in BRIT sometimes use nonfinite) … English dictionary
non-finite — adjective 1 a non finite verb is not marked to show a particular sense or subject, and is either the infinitive or the participle form of the verb, for example go in the sentence Do you want to go home? 2 not having an end or limit; infinite… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
non-finite — adj. Non finite is used with these nouns: ↑clause … Collocations dictionary
non-finite — UK / US adjective linguistics a non finite verb is either a participle or an infinitive and so does not show a particular tense … English dictionary
Non-finite verb — In linguistics, a non finite verb (or a verbal) is a verb form that is not limited by a subject and, more generally, is not fully inflected by categories that are marked inflectionally in language, such as tense, aspect, mood, number, gender, and … Wikipedia
Non-finite clause — In linguistics, a non finite clause is a dependent clause whose verb is non finite; for example, many languages can form non finite clauses from infinitives. Like any subordinate clause, a non finite clause serves a grammatical role commonly that … Wikipedia