- non-claim
- ˈnɔnkleɪm сущ.;
юр. просрочка в предъявлении иска (юридическое) просрочка в предъявлении иска non-claim юр. просрочка в предъявлении иска
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
non-claim — nonˈ claim noun A failure to make a claim within the time limited by law • • • Main Entry: ↑non … Useful english dictionary
non-claim — The omission or neglect of person who ought to claim his right within the time limited by law. covenant of non claim (See also covenant) … Black's law dictionary
non-claim — The omission or neglect of person who ought to claim his right within the time limited by law. covenant of non claim (See also covenant) … Black's law dictionary
non-claim — /nɒn ˈkleɪm/ (say non klaym) noun the failure to make a claim within a time limited by law …
claim — claim; claim·ant; claim·er; claim·less; de·claim; dis·claim·ant; dis·claim·er; ex·claim·er; non·claim; pro·claim·er; re·claim·able; re·claim·ant; re·claim·er; sub·claim; ac·claim; coun·ter·claim; dis·claim; ex·claim; pro·claim; re·claim;… … English syllables
covenant of non-claim — A covenant formerly sometimes employed, particularly in the New England states, and in deeds of extinguishment of ground rents in Pennsylvania, that neither the vendor, nor his heirs, nor any other person, etc., shall claim any title in the… … Black's law dictionary
covenant of non-claim — A covenant formerly sometimes employed, particularly in the New England states, and in deeds of extinguishment of ground rents in Pennsylvania, that neither the vendor, nor his heirs, nor any other person, etc., shall claim any title in the… … Black's law dictionary
Non-possession — is a philosophy that holds that no one or anything possesses anything.[1] It is one of the principles of Satyagraha, a philosophical system based on various religious and philosophical traditions originating in India and Asia Minor, and put into… … Wikipedia
Non-violation nullification of benefits — (NVNB) claims are a species of Dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization arising under World Trade Organisation multilateral and bilateral trade agreements. NVNB claims are controversial in that they are widely perceived to promote the… … Wikipedia
Non-binding arbitration — is a type of arbitration in which the arbitrator makes a determination of the rights of the parties to the dispute, but this determination is not binding upon them, and no enforceable arbitration award is issued. The award is in effect an… … Wikipedia
non-delivery — in the law of sale, as it is the seller s duty to deliver the goods (See delivery), damages are due for failure to do so. Where the seller wrongfully neglects or refuses to deliver the goods to the buyer, the buyer may maintain an action against… … Law dictionary