

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "non-centering" в других словарях:

  • Centering prayer — is a popular method of contemplative prayer, placing a strong emphasis on interior silence.Though most authors trace its roots to the contemplative prayer of the Desert Fathers of early Christian monasticism, to the Lectio Divina tradition of… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-invasive intracranial pressure measurement methods — Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) is one of the major causes of secondary brain ischemia that accompanies a variety of pathological conditions, most notably, traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, and intracranial hemorrhages. However, aside… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-canonical works related and derived from Sherlock Holmes — Sherlock Holmes has long been a popular character for authors and creatives other than Arthur Conan Doyle. Their works can be grouped into four broad categories: new Sherlock Holmes stories; stories in which Holmes appears in a cameo role;… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-canonical Sherlock Holmes works — Sherlock Holmes has long been a popular character for authors and creators other than Arthur Conan Doyle. Their works can be grouped into four broad categories: new Sherlock Holmes stories; stories in which Holmes appears in a cameo role; stories …   Wikipedia

  • Rhotic and non-rhotic accents — English pronunciation can be divided into two main accent groups: a rhotic (pronounced /ˈroʊtɨk/, sometimes /ˈrɒtɨk/) speaker pronounces a rhotic consonant in words like hard; a non rhotic speaker does not. That is, rhotic speakers pronounce /r/… …   Wikipedia

  • Atari 5200 — Manufacturer Atari Inc. Generation Second generation Retail availability November 1982 (United States/Canada) …   Wikipedia

  • Analog stick — An analog stick from the Nintendo GameCube controller An analog stick, sometimes called a control stick or thumbstick, is an input device for a controller (often a game controller) that is used for two dimensional input. An analog stick is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Chuck (engineering) — Self centering three jaw chuck and key with one jaw removed and inverted showing the teeth that engage in the scroll plate. The scroll plate is rotated within the chuck body by the key, the scroll engages the teeth on the underside of the jaws… …   Wikipedia

  • Diphthong — A diphthong (  /ˈdɪf …   Wikipedia

  • LITERATURE, JEWISH — Literature on Jewish themes and in languages regarded as Jewish has been written continuously for the past 3,000 years. What the term Jewish literature encompasses, however, demands definition, since Jews have lived in so many countries and have… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Multiferroics — have been formally defined as materials that exhibit more than one primary ferroic order parameter simultaneously (i.e. in a single phase).[1] The four basic primary ferroic order parameters are ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity, ferroelasticity… …   Wikipedia

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