nominal size
Смотреть что такое "nominal size" в других словарях:
Nominal size — In manufacturing, a nominal size or trade size is a size in name only used for identification.[1] The nominal size may not match any dimension of the product, but within the domain of that product the nominal size may correspond to a large number … Wikipedia
nominal size designation — vardinių matmenų žymuo statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Sutartinis raidinis skaitmeninis žymuo, susijęs su matuoklio matmenimis. atitikmenys: angl. nominal size designation … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
nominal size — specified size, stated size … English contemporary dictionary
nominal size tubing — Tubing measurement which has an inside diameter the same as iron pipe of the same stated size … Dictionary of automotive terms
nominal — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English nominalle, from Medieval Latin nominalis, from Latin, of a name, from nomin , nomen name more at name Date: 15th century 1. of, relating to, or being a noun or a word or expression taking a noun construction … New Collegiate Dictionary
nominal — Used to describe standard sizes for pipe from 1/8 inch to 12 inches (3.2 mm to 304 mm.) The nominal size is specified on the basis of the inside diameter. Depending on the wall thickness, the inside diameter may be less than or greater than… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
nominal diameter — A characteristic value used for pipeline systems to identify parts which belong together such as pipes, pipe joints, fittings, etc.; a nominal size for the inside diameter … Dictionary of automotive terms
Nominal Pipe Size — (NPS) is a North American set of standard sizes for pipes used for high or low pressures and temperatures.[1] Pipe size is specified with two non dimensional numbers: a nominal pipe size (NPS) for diameter based on inches, and a schedule (Sched.… … Wikipedia
Nominal impedance — in electrical engineering and audio engineering refers to the approximate designed impedance of an electrical circuit or device. The term is applied in a number of different fields, most often being encountered in respect of: The nominal value of … Wikipedia
nominal filter — A filter capable of cutting off a nominated minimum percentage by weight of solid particles greater than a stated micron size … Military dictionary
nominal scale — the weakest qualitative, not quantitative or ordered, classification of the samples into separate categories so that each possible result belongs to only one category, with the categories not able to be ordered relative to each other, e.g., one… … Medical dictionary