- nolle prosequi
- ˈnɔlɪˈprɔsekwaɪ лат.;
юр. отказ истца от иска или от части его (латинское) (юридическое) отказ истца от предъявленного им иска или части его;
прекращение производства дела
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Nolle prosequi — ( /ˌnɒl … Wikipedia
nolle prosequi — nolle pros·e·qui / prä sə ˌkwī, ˌkwē/ n [Latin, to be unwilling to pursue]: an entry in a criminal action denoting that the prosecutor will not prosecute the case further in whole or as to one or more of several counts or one or more of several… … Law dictionary
nolle prosequi — formal notice to a plaintiff that the prosecutor will not continue a suit, Latin, lit. to be unwilling to pursue. The verb nolle pross is attested from 1880 … Etymology dictionary
Nolle prosequi — Nol le pros e*qui [L., to be unwilling to prosecute.] (Law) Will not prosecute; an entry on the record, denoting that a plaintiff discontinues his suit, or the attorney for the public a prosecution; either wholly, or as to some count, or as to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nolle prosequi — [nä΄lē präs′i kwī΄] n. [L, to be unwilling to prosecute] Law 1. formal notice by the prosecutor that prosecution in a criminal case will be ended as to one or more counts, one or more defendants, or altogether 2. similar notice by the plaintiff… … English World dictionary
nolle prosequi — /nol ee pros i kwuy , kwee /, Law. an entry made upon the records of a court when the plaintiff or prosecutor will proceed no further in a suit or action. Abbr.: nol. pros. [1675 85; < L: be unwilling to pursue, do not prosecute] * * * ▪ Anglo… … Universalium
nolle prosequi — A formal entry of record by the prosecuting attorney by which he declares unwillingness to prosecute a case or his intention not to prosecute the case further. 21 Am J2d Crim L § 512. An agreement not to proceed further in the suit as to a… … Ballentine's law dictionary
nolle prosequi — noun Etymology: Latin, to be unwilling to pursue Date: 1681 an entry on the record of a legal action denoting that the prosecutor or plaintiff will proceed no further in an action or suit either as a whole or as to some count or as to one or more … New Collegiate Dictionary
nolle prosequi — 1. noun a) A declaration by the prosecutor that a civil or criminal prosecution will not proceed. b) A refusal, a denial, a rejection … Wiktionary
nolle prosequi — (Latin) unwilling to proceed ; legal declaration which closes a suitnol·le pros·e·qui || ‚nÉ‘lɪ‚prÉ‘sɪkwaɪ /‚nÉ‘lɪ‚prÉ‘ … English contemporary dictionary
nolle prosequi — [ˌnɒlɪ prɒsɪkwʌɪ] noun Law a formal notice of abandonment by a plaintiff or prosecutor of all or part of a suit. Origin L., lit. refuse to pursue … English new terms dictionary