noble ideal
Смотреть что такое "noble ideal" в других словарях:
noble ideal — novel n … English expressions
ideal — I adj. ideal for II n. 1) to attain; realize an ideal 2) a lofty, noble ideal; high ideals * * * [aɪ dɪəl] high ideals noble ideal realize an ideal a lofty to attain idealfor … Combinatory dictionary
noble — adj m y f 1 Que actúa de buena fe, con generosidad y lealtad: una persona noble, un carácter noble 2 Que es de buena fe, no se presta a engaño o truco, es generoso, fiel o leal: un acto noble, el noble mexicanismo de López Velarde, un noble ideal … Español en México
ideal — [ī dē′əl, īdēl′; ī′dē΄əl, ī′dēl΄] adj. [Fr idéal < LL idealis, existing in idea, ideal < L idea: see IDEA] 1. existing as an idea, model, or archetype; consisting of ideas: see IDEA (sense 7) 2. thought of as perfect or as a perfect model;… … English World dictionary
idéal — 1. idéal, ale, als ou aux [ ideal, o ] adj. • 1551; bas lat. idealis 1 ♦ Qui est conçu et représenté dans l esprit sans être ou pouvoir être perçu par les sens. ⇒ idéel, théorique. « Sous le monde réel, il existe un monde idéal » (Hugo). ⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ideal gas — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Noble Eightfold Path — Eightfold Path redirects here. For other uses, see Eightfold Path (disambiguation). The Dharma wheel, often used to represent the Noble Eightfold Path … Wikipedia
Noble camino óctuple — El noble óctuple sendero (en sánscrito: āria sṭāṅga mārga y en pali: Ariya aṭṭhaṅgika magga) es considerado, según el budismo, como la vía que lleva al cese de dukkha (‘sufrimiento’). Este cese del sufrimiento se conoce como nirvana. Rueda del… … Wikipedia Español
ideal — idealness, n. /uy dee euhl, uy deel /, n. 1. a conception of something in its perfection. 2. a standard of perfection or excellence. 3. a person or thing conceived as embodying such a conception or conforming to such a standard, and taken as a… … Universalium
ideal — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ high, lofty, noble ▪ Sam was a real leader who had high moral ideals. ▪ unattainable ▪ This is not an unattainable ideal … Collocations dictionary
Noble court — For alternative meanings of the word court , see: Court (disambiguation). A royal or noble court, as an instrument of government broader than a court of justice, comprises an extended household centred on a patron whose rule may govern law or be… … Wikipedia