- no-win situation
- разг. безнадежное положение Syn : hopeless situation
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Win-win-Situation — Win wịn Si|tu|a|ti|on [auch: wɪn wɪn… ], die [nach engl. win win situation, zu: win win = für jede Seite vorteilhaft, zu: to win = gewinnen] (bes. Wirtsch.): Situation, Gegebenheit, Konstellation, die für alle Beteiligten Vorteile bietet … Universal-Lexikon
win-win situation — winˈ winˈ situation noun 1. A situation in which one is bound to benefit or succeed 2. A situation in which all parties benefit • • • Main Entry: ↑win … Useful english dictionary
Win-Win-Situation — Eine Win win Strategie (engl. win „Gewinn“), auch als Doppelsieg Strategie bekannt, ist eine Konfliktlösung, bei der beide Beteiligten einen Nutzen erzielen. Ähnliche Interessen der Konfliktbeteiligten sind eine notwendige Voraussetzung für diese … Deutsch Wikipedia
win-win situation — noun A situation where both parties gain from a transaction or deal, or where all possible outcomes are favourable. Hiring summer interns from the university continues to be a win win situation with students gaining valuable real world experience … Wiktionary
Win-win-Situation — Win wịn Si|tu|a|ti|on <englisch> (Situation, von der alle Beteiligten profitieren) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
win-win situation — /wɪn wɪn sɪtjuˌeɪʃ(ə)n/ noun a situation in which, whatever happens or whatever choice is made, the people involved will benefit … Marketing dictionary in english
No-win situation — A no win situation, also called a lose lose situation, is one where a person has choices, but no choice leads to a net gain. For example, if an executioner offers the condemned the choice of dying by being hanged, shot, or poisoned, since all… … Wikipedia
no-win situation — noun a situation in which a favorable outcome is impossible; you are bound to lose whatever you do • Hypernyms: ↑situation * * * no win situation UK US noun [countable] [singular no win situation plural … Useful english dictionary
no-win situation — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms no win situation : singular no win situation plural no win situations a situation in which there is no chance of success … English dictionary
no-win situation — no win situations N COUNT If you are in a no win situation, any action you take will fail to benefit you in any way. It was a no win situation. Either she pretended she hated Ned and felt awful or admitted she loved him and felt even worse! … English dictionary
no-win situation — n. a situation in which there is no hope of success. □ I find myself in a no win situation again. □ The team in a no win situation punted … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions