Смотреть что такое "nitrogen-like" в других словарях:
Nitrogen fixation — is the natural process, either biological or abiotic, by which nitrogen (N2) in the atmosphere is converted into ammonia (NH3).[1] This process is essential for life because fixed nitrogen is required to biosynthesize the basic building blocks of … Wikipedia
Nitrogen inversion — in ammonia Inversion of an amine. The pair of dots represents the lone electron pair on the nitrogen atom. In chemistry, a nitrogen compound like … Wikipedia
Nitrogen trichloride — Nitrogen trichloride … Wikipedia
Nitrogen triiodide — IUPAC name … Wikipedia
Nitrogen — carbon ← nitrogen → oxygen ↑ N ↓ P … Wikipedia
nitrogen group element — ▪ chemical elements Introduction any of the chemical elements that constitute Group Va of the periodic table (see Figure >). The group consists of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and bismuth (Bi). The elements share… … Universalium
Nitrogen group — Group 15 Period 2 7 N 3 … Wikipedia
Nitrogen cycle — Schematic representation of the flow of nitrogen through the environment. The importance of bacteria in the cycle is immediately recognized as being a key element in the cycle, providing different forms of nitrogen compounds assimilable by higher … Wikipedia
nitrogen — /nuy treuh jeuhn/, n. Chem. a colorless, odorless, gaseous element that constitutes about four fifths of the volume of the atmosphere and is present in combined form in animal and vegetable tissues, esp. in proteins: used chiefly in the… … Universalium
Nitrogen laser — A 337nm wavelength and 170 µJ pulse energy 20 Hz cartridge nitrogen laser A nitrogen laser is a gas laser operating in the ultraviolet range[1] (typically 337.1 nm) using molecular nitrogen as its gain medium, pumped by an electrical… … Wikipedia
Nitrogen mustard — HN1 (bis(2 chloroethyl)ethylamine) … Wikipedia