- nitrify
- ˈnaɪtrɪfaɪ гл.;
1) нитрифицировать, нитровать
2) превращать в селитру (специальное) нитровать, нитрифицировать nitrify хим. нитрифицировать ~ хим. превращать в селитру
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Nitrify — Ni tri*fy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Nitrified}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Nitrifying}.] [Niter + fy: cf. F. nitrifer. See {Niter}.] (Chem.) To combine or impregnate with nitrogen; to convert, by oxidation, into nitrous or nitric acid; to subject to, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nitrify — ► VERB (nitrifies, nitrified) ▪ convert (ammonia or another nitrogen compound) into nitrites or nitrates. DERIVATIVES nitrification noun … English terms dictionary
nitrify — [nī′trə fī΄] vt. nitrified, nitrifying [Fr nitrifier: see NITER & FY] 1. to combine with nitrogen or nitrogen compounds 2. to impregnate (soil, etc.) with nitrates 3. to cause the oxidation of (ammonium salts, atmospheric nitrogen, etc.) to… … English World dictionary
nitrify — nitrifiable, adj. /nuy treuh fuy /, v.t., nitrified, nitrifying. 1. to oxidize (ammonia, ammonium compounds, or atmospheric nitrogen) to nitrites, nitrates, or their respective acids, esp. by bacterial action. 2. to impregnate with nitrogen or… … Universalium
nitrify — verb a) to treat, or react with nitrogen or a nitrogen containing compound b) to convert ammonia or similar compound to a nitrate by oxidation, especially by the action of a microorganism See Also: nitrification … Wiktionary
nitrify — ni·tri·fy || naɪtrɪfaɪ v. add nitrogen; make into a nitrate … English contemporary dictionary
nitrify — [ nʌɪtrɪfʌɪ] verb (nitrifies, nitrifying, nitrified) Chemistry convert (ammonia or another nitrogen compound) into nitrites or nitrates. Derivatives nitrification noun … English new terms dictionary
nitrify — ni·tri·fy … English syllables
nitrify — ni•tri•fy [[t]ˈnaɪ trəˌfaɪ[/t]] v. t. fied, fy•ing 1) chem. to oxidize (ammonia, ammonium compounds, or atmospheric nitrogen) to nitrites, nitrates, or their respective acids, esp. by bacterial action 2) chem. to treat or combine with nitrogen or … From formal English to slang
nitrify — /ˈnaɪtrəfaɪ/ (say nuytruhfuy) verb (t) (nitrified, nitrifying) 1. to oxidise (ammonia compounds, etc.) to nitrites or nitrates, especially by bacterial action. 2. to impregnate (soil, etc.) with nitrates. 3. to treat or combine with nitrogen or… …
nitrify — v.tr. ( ies, ied) 1 impregnate with nitrogen. 2 convert (nitrogen, usu. in the form of ammonia) into nitrites or nitrates. Derivatives: nitrifiable adj. nitrification n. Etymology: F nitrifier (as NITRE) … Useful english dictionary