Смотреть что такое "nithing" в других словарях:
NITHING — apud Matthaeum Paris. A. C. 1089. idem quod Nequam Latinis: in Annalibus. Waverli MSS. eôdem annô, apud Spelmannum: Rex. Wilhelmus iunior misit per totam Angliam et mandavit, ut quicumque foret Unnithing, sive Francus sive Anglicus, sive in burgo … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Nithing — Nith ing, n. [Obs.] See {Niding}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nithing — An outlaw or wicked person was declared nithing . The term was used by William Rufus in 1088 when summoning the *fyrd to support him during a rebellion engineered by Odo of Bayeux. He requested all to present themselves, unless they wanted to be… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
nithing — Niding Ni ding (n[imac] d[i^]ng), n. [Written also {nithing}.] [AS. n[imac][eth]ing, fr. n[imac][eth] wickedness, malice, hatred.] A coward; a dastard; a term of utmost opprobrium. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] He is worthy to be called a niding. Howell … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nithing — much valuing, sparing of j he is nithing of his pains. N … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
nithing — noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nīthing, from Old Norse nīthingr, from nīth scorn, contumely + ingr ing; Old Norse nīth akin to Old English nīth envy, hatred, strife, Old High German nīd envy, hatred, Gothic neith envy and… … Useful english dictionary
Nithing pole — A nithing pole (Old Norse: níðstang), sometimes normalized as nithstang or nidstang, was a pole used for cursing an enemy in Germanic pagan tradition. Contents 1 History and usage 1.1 Attestations 2 … Wikipedia
nithing — sb. == villain. K. Horn, 202. AS. níðing … Oldest English Words
Níð — (Old Norse) (Anglo Saxon nith , Old High German (OHG) nid(d) , modern German form Neid , modern Low Saxon nied ) in ancient Germanic mythology was the constituting and qualifying attribute for people suspected of being a malicious mythological… … Wikipedia
Nīþ — For the cursing pole, see Nithing pole. In historical Germanic society, nīþ (Old Norse: níð; Old English: nīþ, nīð); was a term for a social stigma implying the loss of honour and the status of a villain. A person affected with the stigma is a… … Wikipedia
Tabu Homosexualität — Tabu Homosexualität: Die Geschichte eines Vorurteils (en español «El tabú de la homosexualidad: la historia de un prejuicio») es una obra estándar de estudio en lengua alemana sobre la homofobia, escrita por la socióloga, etnóloga y sexóloga… … Wikipedia Español