Смотреть что такое "nimbused" в других словарях:
nimbused — bəst adjective : furnished with or surrounded by a nimbus they were nimbused … by the last light of a sun that had set Hugh MacLennan … Useful english dictionary
nimbused — nim·bused … English syllables
nimbus — nimbused, adj. /nim beuhs/, n., pl. nimbi / buy/, nimbuses. 1. Class. Myth. a shining cloud sometimes surrounding a deity when on earth. 2. a cloud, aura, atmosphere, etc., surrounding a person or thing: The candidate was encompassed with a… … Universalium
nimbus — n. (pl. nimbi or nimbuses) 1 a a bright cloud or halo investing a deity or person or thing. b the halo of a saint etc. 2 Meteorol. a rain cloud. Derivatives: nimbused adj. Etymology: L, = cloud, aureole … Useful english dictionary