- nimbostratus
- метеор. слоисто-дождевые облака (метеорология) слоисто-дождевые облака
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Nimbostratus — Abréviation METAR Ns Symbole Classification Famille D (À extension verticale) … Wikipédia en Français
Nimbostratus — Nubes nimbostratus Altitud: menos de 2,4 km Apariencia capas sin formas ¿Produce Precipitaciones? … Wikipedia Español
nimbostratus — NIMBOSTRÁTUS s.m. Tip de nori inferiori, situaţi în medic la 800 m înălţime, de culoare cenuşiu închis, care se prezintă ca o pânză întinsă, producând precipitaţii de lungă durată; nimbus. – Din fr. nimbo stratus. Trimis de ana zecheru,… … Dicționar Român
nimbostratus — [ nɛ̃bostratys ] n. m. • 1932; de nimbus et stratus ♦ Météor. Couche nuageuse basse et sombre. Les nimbostratus se résolvent rapidement en précipitations continues de pluie ou de neige … Encyclopédie Universelle
nimbostratus — (n.) 1932 (earlier use from late 19c. refers to different cloud types), from Mod.L. nimbus (see NIMBUS (Cf. nimbus)) + connecting element o + stratus (see STRATUS (Cf. stratus)) … Etymology dictionary
nimbostratus — nimbostrȃtus m DEFINICIJA meteor. rod oblaka mješovitog sastava (kapljice vode i kristalići leda) koji daje trajnu oborinu (kišu ili snijeg), javlja se kao tamni, debeli, niski, sivi sloj oblaka, podnica kojeg se nalazi na nekoliko stotina metara … Hrvatski jezični portal
nimbostratus — [nim′bō strāt′əs, nim′bōstrat′əs] n. [ModL: see NIMBUS & STRATUS] the type of extensive gray cloud that obscures the sun, found at low altitudes and consisting of dense, dark layers of water droplets, rain, or snow: see CLOUD … English World dictionary
Nimbostratus — Wolken: Klassifikation Gattungen Cirrus Ci Cirrocumulus Cc Cirrostratus Cs Altocumulus Ac Altostratus As Stratocumulus Sc Stratus St Cumulus Cu Nimbostratus … Deutsch Wikipedia
nimbostratus — /nim boh stray teuhs, strat euhs/, n., pl. nimbostratus. a cloud of a class characterized by a formless layer that is almost uniformly dark gray; a rain cloud of the layer type, of low altitude, usually below 8000 ft. (2440 m). [1885 90; NIMBO +… … Universalium
nimbostratus — A type of medium and low clouds, which are thick, dark gray, shapeless sheets with irregular broken clouds beneath and surrounding them. Nimbostratus clouds have poorly defined wet undersurfaces in contrast with the dry undersurface of stratus… … Aviation dictionary
nimbostrátus — a m, mn. nimbostráti tudi nimbostrátusi (ȃ) meteor. nizek slojast oblak, iz katerega dežuje, sneži: oblaki so se zgostili v nimbostratus … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika