
нильпотентный, нильстепенный even nilpotent elementчетный нильпотентный элемент locally nilpotent algebraлокально нильпотентная алгебра locally nilpotent endomorphism ≈ локально нильпотентный эндоморфизм locally nilpotent group ≈ локально нильпотентная группа locally nilpotent homomorphism ≈ локально нильпотентный гомоморфизм locally nilpotent ideal ≈ локально нильпотентный идеал locally nilpotent radical ≈ локально нильпотентный радикал locally nilpotent ring ≈ локально нильпотентное кольцо properly nilpotent elementсобственно нильпотентный элемент residually nilpotent group ≈ резидуально нильпотентная группа semigroup without nilpotent ideals ≈ полугруппа без нильпотентных идеалов strongly nilpotent element ≈ строго нильпотентный элемент - generalized nilpotent - locally nilpotent - nilpotent algebra - nilpotent automaton - nilpotent chain - nilpotent complex - nilpotent component - nilpotent divisor - nilpotent element - nilpotent endomorphism - nilpotent factor - nilpotent group - nilpotent homomorphism - nilpotent lattice - nilpotent length - nilpotent matrix - nilpotent module - nilpotent operator - nilpotent product - nilpotent radical - nilpotent semigroup - nilpotent set - nilpotent space - nilpotent subalgebra - nilpotent subgroup - nilpotent subring - nilpotent transformation - nilpotent value - nilpotent variety - properly nilpotent - regular nilpotent - semiregular nilpotent - strongly nilpotent - topological nilpotent

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nilpotent" в других словарях:

  • nilpotent — ● nilpotent, nilpotente adjectif Élément nilpotent d un anneau A, élément a de A tel qu il existe un entier naturel non nul n pour lequel an = 0. ● nilpotent, nilpotente (expressions) adjectif Élément nilpotent d un anneau A, élément a de A tel… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • nilpotent —   [zu lateinisch nihil, nil »nichts«], Mathematik: 1) Ein Element a eines Ringes heißt nilpotent, wenn es eine natürliche Zahl m gibt, sodass am = 0 ist; z. B. ist   im Ring der reellen 2 ☓ 2 Matrizen nilpotent wegen a2 = 0.   2) Ein (Rechts oder …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Nilpotent — This article is about a type of element in a ring. For the type of group, see Nilpotent group. In mathematics, an element x of a ring R is called nilpotent if there exists some positive integer n such that xn = 0. The term was… …   Wikipedia

  • Nilpotent —  Ne doit pas être confondu avec Groupe nilpotent. En mathématiques, un élément x d un anneau unitaire (ou même d un pseudo anneau) R est appelé nilpotent s il existe un certain nombre entier positif n tel que . Sommaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • nilpotent — adjective Etymology: Latin nil nothing + potent , potens having power more at potent Date: 1870 equal to zero when raised to some power < nilpotent matrices > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Nilpotent — Das Adjektiv nilpotent (von lat. nihil = nichts, potens = fähig) tritt in der Mathematik in mehreren Bedeutungen auf: Als Eigenschaft von Matrizen, siehe nilpotente Matrix Allgemeiner als Eigenschaft von Ringelementen, siehe Nilpotenz Als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Nilpotent orbit — Nilpotent orbits are generalizations of nilpotent matrices that play an important role in representation theory of real and complex semisimple Lie groups and semisimple Lie algebras. Contents 1 Definition 2 Examples 3 Properties …   Wikipedia

  • Nilpotent group — Concepts in group theory category of groups subgroups, normal subgroups group homomorphisms, kernel, image, quotient direct product, direct sum semidirect product, wreath product …   Wikipedia

  • Nilpotent matrix — In linear algebra, a nilpotent matrix is a square matrix N such that for some positive integer k. The smallest such k is sometimes called the degree of N. More generally, a nilpotent transformation is a linear transformation L of a vector space… …   Wikipedia

  • Nilpotent Lie algebra — In mathematics, a Lie algebra is nilpotent if the lower central series becomes zero eventually. Equivalently, is nilpotent if …   Wikipedia

  • Nilpotent ideal — In mathematics, more specifically ring theory, an ideal, I, of a ring is said to be a nilpotent ideal, if there exists a natural number k such that Ik = 0.[1] By Ik, it is meant the additive subgroup generated by the set of all products of k… …   Wikipedia

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