nilpotency class

nilpotency class
мат. класс нильпотентности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nilpotency class" в других словарях:

  • Nilpotent group — Concepts in group theory category of groups subgroups, normal subgroups group homomorphisms, kernel, image, quotient direct product, direct sum semidirect product, wreath product …   Wikipedia

  • P-group — In mathematics, given a prime number p , a p group is a periodic group in which each element has a power of p as its order. That is, for each element g of the group, there exists a nonnegative integer n such that g to the power pn is equal to the …   Wikipedia

  • Problems in loop theory and quasigroup theory — In mathematics, especially abstract algebra, loop theory and quasigroup theory are active research areas with many open problems. As in other areas of mathematics, such problems are often made public at professional conferences and meetings. Many …   Wikipedia

  • p-group — Not to be confused with n group. In mathematics, given a prime number p, a p group is a periodic group in which each element has a power of p as its order: each element is of prime power order. That is, for each element g of the group, there… …   Wikipedia

  • Quasidihedral group — In mathematics, the quasi dihedral groups and semi dihedral groups are non abelian groups of order a power of 2. For every positive integer n greater than or equal to 4, there are exactly four isomorphism classes of nonabelian groups of order 2n… …   Wikipedia

  • Central series — In mathematics, especially in the fields of group theory and Lie theory, a central series is a kind of normal series of subgroups or Lie subalgebras, expressing the idea that the commutator is nearly trivial. For groups, this is an explicit… …   Wikipedia

  • Frobenius group — In mathematics, a Frobenius group is a transitive permutation group on a finite set, such that no non trivial elementfixes more than one point and some non trivial element fixes a point. They are named after F. G. Frobenius. Structure The… …   Wikipedia

  • Dehn function — In the mathematical subject of geometric group theory, a Dehn function, named after Max Dehn, is an optimal function associated to a finite group presentation which bounds the area of a relation in that group (that is a freely reduced word in the …   Wikipedia

  • Margulis lemma — In mathematics, the Margulis lemma (named after Grigory Margulis) is a result about discrete subgroups of isometries of a symmetric space (e.g. the hyperbolic n space), or more generally a space of non positive curvature. Theorem: Let S be a… …   Wikipedia

  • Regular p-group — In mathematics, especially in the field of group theory, the concept of regular p group captures some of the more important properties of abelian p groups, but is general enough to include most small p groups. The concept was first described by… …   Wikipedia

  • Nilpotent — This article is about a type of element in a ring. For the type of group, see Nilpotent group. In mathematics, an element x of a ring R is called nilpotent if there exists some positive integer n such that xn = 0. The term was… …   Wikipedia

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