nickel cadmium battery

nickel cadmium battery
никель-кадмиевая батарея

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nickel cadmium battery" в других словарях:

  • Nickel–cadmium battery — From top to bottom – Gumstick , AA, and AAA Ni–Cd batteries. specific energy 40–60 W·h/kg energy density 50–150 W·h/L specific power 150& …   Wikipedia

  • Nickel-cadmium battery — Batteries caption=From top to bottom Gumstick , AA, and AAA NiCd batteries. EtoW = 40–60 Wh/kg EtoS = 50–150 Wh/L PtoW = 150W/kg CtoDE= 70%–90% [ [ 11.htm Charging nickel based batteries ] ] EtoCP= ? US$… …   Wikipedia

  • nickel-cadmium battery — nikelio kadmio akumuliatorius statusas T sritis chemija formulė Cd|20% KOH|NiO(OH),Ni atitikmenys: angl. nickel cadmium accumulator; nickel cadmium battery rus. никель кадмиевый аккумулятор …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Nickel–cadmium battery (vented cell type) — Vented cell (wet cell, flooded cell) is a type of nickel–cadmium battery that is used when large capacities and high discharge rates are required. The term vented refers to a difference to common NiCd batteries which are sealed. They are used in… …   Wikipedia

  • Nickel-cadmium battery vented cell type — Vented cell (wet cell, flooded cell) is a type of nickel cadmium battery that is used when large capacities and discharge rates are required. The term vented refers to a difference to common NiCd batteries which are sealed .They are used in… …   Wikipedia

  • nickel-cadmium battery — /nɪkəl kædmiəm ˈbætri/ (say nikuhl kadmeeuhm batree) noun a storage battery which has an alkaline electrolyte, with nickel oxide as the positive element and cadmium as the negative, this type being used especially as a rechargeable battery; NiCd… …  

  • nickel-cadmium battery — /nik euhl kad mee euhm/ a storage battery, with an alkaline electrolyte, having nickel oxide as the positive element and cadmium as the negative. Also called nicad, NiCd battery. * * * …   Universalium

  • nickel-cadmium battery — /nik euhl kad mee euhm/ a storage battery, with an alkaline electrolyte, having nickel oxide as the positive element and cadmium as the negative. Also called nicad, NiCd battery …   Useful english dictionary

  • Nickel–iron battery — specific energy 30[1] −50[2] Wh/kg energy density 30[1] Wh/l specific power …   Wikipedia

  • Nickel–zinc battery — specific energy 100 W·h/kg energy density 280 W·h/L specific power > 900 W/kg Energy/consumer price 2–3Wh/US$ Cycle durability 400–1000[ …   Wikipedia

  • Nickel–hydrogen battery — A nickel–hydrogen battery (NiH2 or Ni–H2) is a rechargeable electrochemical power source based on nickel and hydrogen.[1] It differs from a nickel–metal hydride (NIMH) battery by the use of hydrogen in …   Wikipedia

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