Смотреть что такое "newswire" в других словарях:
newswire — noun Date: 1972 wire service … New Collegiate Dictionary
newswire — /noohz wuyeur , nyoohz /, n. 1. a service transmitted esp. by teletypewriter and providing late breaking news stories, stock market results, or other up to the minute information: We took the story off the newswires. 2. a teletypewriter or other… … Universalium
newswire — noun A service used for the transmission of breaking news to the media or to the public See Also: wire service … Wiktionary
Newswire — Информационный абонемент по телексу … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
newswire — n. on line journal, on line periodical (on the Internet) … English contemporary dictionary
newswire — noun a service transmitting the latest news via satellite, the Internet, etc … English new terms dictionary
newswire — news•wire [[t]ˈnuzˌwaɪər, ˈnyuz [/t]] n. 1) cvb a service, esp. by teletypewriter, providing news or other up to the minute information 2) cvb a machine by which such information is transmitted … From formal English to slang
newswire — /noohz wuyeur , nyoohz /, n. 1. a service transmitted esp. by teletypewriter and providing late breaking news stories, stock market results, or other up to the minute information: We took the story off the newswires. 2. a teletypewriter or other… … Useful english dictionary
PR Newswire — logo PR Newswire started out in 1954 as a vendor hired by companies and agencies to send out text press releases to the media. Today, PR Newswire is hired by corporations, public relations firms and non governmental organizations to deliver news… … Wikipedia
U.S. Newswire — is a U.S. national news release wire service established in 1986 and distributes media materials on behalf of a variety of customers particularly the U.S. government and non profit agencies.U.S. Newswire is based in Washington DC and was acquired … Wikipedia
Xavier Newswire — Infobox Newspaper name = Xavier Newswire type = weekly newspaper format = Tabloid founded = 1915 headquarters = 3739 Ledgewood Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45207 USA owners = Xavier University editor = Patrick Stevenson circulation = 3,000 Wednesday… … Wikipedia