- newsprint
- ˈnju:zprɪnt сущ. газетная бумага (полиграфия) газетная бумага newsprint газетная бумага
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Newsprint — output in 2005 Newsprint is a low cost, non archival paper most commonly used to print newspapers, and other publications and advertising material. It usually has an off white cast and distinctive feel. It is designed for use in printing presses… … Wikipedia
newsprint — ews print n. Cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers. Syn: newspaper. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
newsprint — (n.) cheap paper from pulp, used to print newspapers, 1909, from NEWS (Cf. news) (n.) + PRINT (Cf. print) … Etymology dictionary
newsprint — ► NOUN ▪ cheap, low quality absorbent printing paper used for newspapers … English terms dictionary
newsprint — [no͞oz′print΄, nyo͞oz′print΄] n. a cheap, low grade paper made mainly from wood pulp and used chiefly for newspapers … English World dictionary
newsprint — [[t]nju͟ːzprɪnt, AM nu͟ːz [/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT Newsprint is the cheap, fairly rough paper on which newspapers are printed. 2) N UNCOUNT Newsprint is the text that is printed in newspapers. ...the acres of newsprint devoted to Madonna in the past… … English dictionary
newsprint — The type of paper on which newspapers are typically printed. This is a very inexpensive paper, manufactured from wood pulp, popular for use by students and for the making of sketches and preliminary drawings. It takes charcoal, soft lead… … Glossary of Art Terms
newsprint — noun Date: 1909 paper made chiefly from groundwood pulp and used mostly for newspapers … New Collegiate Dictionary
newsprint — /noohz print , nyoohz /, n. a low grade, machine finished paper made from wood pulp and a small percentage of sulfite pulp, used chiefly for newspapers. Also called newspaper. [1895 1900; NEWS + PRINT] * * * … Universalium
newsprint — noun An inexpensive paper used for printing newspapers … Wiktionary
Newsprint — Газетная бумага … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии