newsletter — UK US /ˈnjuːzˌletər/ US /ˈnuːzˌletər/ noun [C] COMMUNICATIONS ► a document with information about the recent activities of an organization, sent regularly to its members or customers: »a weekly/monthly/yearly newsletter … Financial and business terms
newsletter — ews let ter, news letter ews let ter, n. A circular letter, written or printed for the purpose of disseminating news. This was the name given to the earliest English newspapers. Syn: newssheet. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
newsletter — / nju:zlɛtə/, it. /nju zlɛt:er/ s. ingl. (propr. bollettino, lettera di notizie ), usato in ital. al femm. (giorn.) [giornale interno di un azienda o di un organizzazione] ▶◀ bollettino, house organ … Enciclopedia Italiana
newsletter — (n.) also news letter , 1670s, from NEWS (Cf. news) (n.) + LETTER (Cf. letter) (n.). It fell from use until it was revived 20c … Etymology dictionary
newsletter — s. f. Boletim informativo, geralmente em formato eletrônico, de distribuição regular para os seus assinantes. ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
newsletter — /njuzˈlɛtter, ingl. ˈnjuːzˌlɛtə(r)/ [vc. ingl., comp. di news «notizie» e letter «lettera»] s. f. inv. bollettino, notiziario … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
newsletter — [n] special interest publication bulletin, journal, magazine, pamphlet, report; concepts 279,280 … New thesaurus
newsletter — ► NOUN ▪ a bulletin issued periodically to those in a particular group … English terms dictionary
newsletter — [no͞oz′let΄ər, nyo͞oz′let΄ər] n. a bulletin issued regularly to subscribers, employees, or members of an organization or group, containing news, a calendar of upcoming events, etc … English World dictionary
Newsletter — Als Newsletter [ˈnuːzˌlɛtɚ] (engl. für ‚Mitteilungsblatt‘, ‚Verteilernachricht‘ oder ‚Infobrief‘) wird ein (meist elektronisches) Rundschreiben/ senden bezeichnet. Newsletter werden im ursprünglichen Sinn durch Kirchen, Vereine, Verbände und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Newsletter — Une newsletter, ou lettre d information (terme recommandé en France par la DGLFLF[1], également attesté au Québec[2]), ou infolettre[3] ou cyberlettre est un document d information envoyé de manière périodique par courrier électronique à une… … Wikipédia en Français