
ˈnju:zrum сущ.
1) зал периодики
2) амер. отдел новостей (в редакции газеты, на радио, телевидении) Syn : newsroom n
1) читальня, читальный зал;

2) амер . отдел новостей (в газете, на радио и т. п.) news-room амер. отдел новостей (в редакции газеты) ~ читальный зал, где можно получить газеты и журналы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Нужна курсовая?

Смотреть что такое "news-room" в других словарях:

  • news room — news|room «NOOZ ROOM, RUM; NYOOZ », noun, or news room, the part of a newspaper office or radio or television station where news is prepared for publication or broadcasting …   Useful english dictionary

  • news|room — «NOOZ ROOM, RUM; NYOOZ », noun, or news room, the part of a newspaper office or radio or television station where news is prepared for publication or broadcasting …   Useful english dictionary

  • news·room — /ˈnuːzˌruːm, Brit ˈnjuːzˌruːm/ noun, pl rooms [count] : an office where the news is prepared for a newspaper or a television or radio program …   Useful english dictionary

  • News room — Газетная читальня; амер. отдел новостей (в редакции газеты) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • room — noun 1 in a house/building ADJECTIVE ▪ big, cavernous, enormous, high, high ceilinged, huge, large, spacious, vast ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • news — (usu. treated as sing.) 1 information about important or interesting recent events, esp. when published or broadcast. 2 (prec. by the) a broadcast report of news. 3 newly received or noteworthy information. 4 (foll. by to) colloq.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • News — Current events redirects here. For Wikipedia s current events page, see Portal:Current events. For other uses, see News (disambiguation). Journalism News  …   Wikipedia

  • News ticker — An example of a television news ticker, at the lower third of the screen. A news ticker (sometimes referred to as a crawler ) resides in the lower third of the television screen space on television news networks dedicated to presenting headlines… …   Wikipedia

  • Room temperature — (also referred to as ambient temperature) is a common term to denote a certain temperature within enclosed space at which humans are accustomed. Room temperature is thus often indicated by general human comfort, with the common range of 22°C… …   Wikipedia

  • News 4 New York — is the brand identifier of WNBC TV in New York City. It began using this for its news broadcasts in 1971 to 1972, again on October 13, 1980, and again in March 2008. Prior to this, WNBC used the NewsCenter 4 brand for their newscasts. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Room 2012 — „Room2012“ als Vorband von DJ Bobo in Dresden Gründung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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