news admin
Смотреть что такое "news admin" в других словарях: — (sometimes abbreviated nanae or n.a.n a.e, and often incorrectly spelled with a hyphen in email ) is a Usenet newsgroup devoted to discussion of the abuse of email systems. Steve Linford, the founder of The Spamhaus Project, sometimes posts in… … Wikipedia — (often abbreviated n.a.n a.blocklisting or simply NANABl) is a moderated Usenet newsgroup devoted to discussion of subjects related to the use, administration, and effects of blocklists in ameliorating the problem of unsolicited bulk email and… … Wikipedia — Nanae redirects here. For the town in Japan, see Nanae, Hokkaidō. For the fictional character, see Nanae Fujieda. (sometimes abbreviated nanae or n.a.n a.e, and often incorrectly spelled with a hyphen in email ) is a… … Wikipedia
news.* — USENET News Untergruppe über Neuigkeiten zu den News für Starter (news:news.announce.newusers, >news:news.newusers.questions, >news:news.answers, news:news.lists), Nutzer (*) und Adminstratoren (news.admin.*) u.a … Acronyms
news.* — USENET News Untergruppe über Neuigkeiten zu den News für Starter (news:news.announce.newusers, >news:news.newusers.questions, >news:news.answers, news:news.lists), Nutzer (*) und Adminstratoren (news.admin.*) u.a … Acronyms von A bis Z
News server operation — Among the operators and users of commercial Usenet news servers, common concerns are the continually increasing storage and network capacity requirements and their effects. Completion (the ability of a server to successfully receive all traffic) … Wikipedia
City of Newport News — Admin ASC 2 Code Orig. name City of Newport News Country and Admin Code US.VA.700 US … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II
Mr. Admin — (がんばれ! アドミンくん) (2005 ) is a weekly Japanese four panel (4コマ) web comic strip published on a technology news portal site. It is notable for being the first Japanese comic aimed at IT professionals. Stories usually revolve around the IT staff at an … Wikipedia
University of Cambridge — Latin: Academia Cantabrigiensis Motto Hinc lucem et pocula sacra (Latin) Motto in English … Wikipedia
Eidgenössische Volksinitiative «Gegen den Bau von Minaretten» — Seit 2006 bestehende Streitigkeiten um Minarettbauten in den Schweizer Gemeinden Wangen bei Olten, Langenthal und Wil SG lösten in der Schweiz eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Kontroverse um den Bau von Minaretten aus, die von den Medien oftmals als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kontroverse um den Bau von Minaretten in der Schweiz — Seit 2006 bestehende Streitigkeiten um Minarettbauten in den Schweizer Gemeinden Wangen bei Olten, Langenthal und Wil SG lösten in der Schweiz eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Kontroverse um den Bau von Minaretten aus, die von den Medien oftmals als… … Deutsch Wikipedia