new wine
Смотреть что такое "new wine" в других словарях:
New Wine — Trust Founder(s) The Rt Rev David Pytches Type New Wine Trust is a registered charity no. 1084415 and a company limited by guarantee, governed by a memorandum and articles of association. Founded … Wikipedia
New Wine Church — Country United Kingdom Denomination Pentecostal Website Clergy Pastor(s) Dr Tayo Adeyemi New Wine Church is a Pentecostal London based church in … Wikipedia
New wine (biblical) — New wine or fresh wine is a beverage referred to in the Bible, which was made from juice extracted from grapes or other fruit, such as pomegranates. Some advocates of abstinence claim that the Hebrew phrase from which this is translated referred… … Wikipedia
New wine (disambiguation) — New wine can refer to: New Wine, a Christian conference New Wine into Old Wineskins , a phrase coined by Jesus, reported in several of the Gospels Federweißer, a partially fermented alcoholic beverage made from grapes This disambiguation page… … Wikipedia
new wine — wine that has not yet fermented, must … English contemporary dictionary
New Wine into Old Wineskins — Man with Wineskin by Niko Pirosmani. New Wine into Old Wineskins is one of a pair of parables told by Jesus in the New Testament, found in … Wikipedia
Municipio de New Wine (condado de Dubuque, Iowa) — Municipio de New Wine Municipio de los Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español
you can’t put new wine in old bottles — With allusion to MATTHEW ix. 17 (AV) Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish. The idea is also expressed allusively as a metaphorical phrase. 1912 L. STRACHEY… … Proverbs new dictionary
can't put new wine in old bottles — This expression means that you should not try to combine new concepts or innovations with an old or long established framework or system. You ll never get that program to work on your father s old computer. You can t put new wine in old… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
new — adj New, novel, new fashioned, newfangled, modern, modernistic, original, fresh can all mean having very recently come into existence or use or into a connection, a position, or a state (as of being recognized). A thing is new that has never… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
new — [no͞o, nyo͞o] adj. [ME newe < OE niwe, akin to Ger neu < IE * newos, new (< base * newo ) > L novus, Gr neos, Welsh newydd, new] 1. never existing before; appearing, thought of, developed, made, produced, etc. for the first time 2. a) … English World dictionary