neutral situation

neutral situation
мат. нейтральная ситуация

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "neutral situation" в других словарях:

  • Neutral density filter — Neutral Density Filters are often used to achieve motion blur effects with slow shutter speeds In photography and optics, a neutral density filter or ND filter can be a colorless (clear) or grey filter. An ideal neutral density filter reduces… …   Wikipedia

  • neutral — neu|tral1 [ nutrəl ] adjective ** ▸ 1 not involved ▸ 2 without strong feeling ▸ 3 colors: not strong ▸ 4 without electric charge ▸ 5 neither acid nor base ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) a country that is neutral does not get involved in a war between other… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • neutral — I UK [ˈnjuːtrəl] / US [ˈnutrəl] adjective ** 1) a country that is neutral does not get involved in a war between other countries Russia promised to remain neutral unless Germany attacked France. a) a neutral place is one where people do not… …   English dictionary

  • neutral — unparteiisch; wertfrei; parteilos * * * neu|t|ral [nɔy̮ tra:l] <Adj.>: 1. nicht an eine bestimmte Interessengruppe, Partei o. Ä. gebunden, keine von diesen unterstützend: ein neutrales Land; eine neutrale Beobachterin; sich neutral… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • on neutral ground — on neutral ground/territory/ phrase in a place that is not owned by or connected with anyone involved in a situation Let’s meet somewhere on neutral territory – say a hotel. Thesaurus: separate and not relatedsynonym Main entry: neutral …   Useful english dictionary

  • on neutral territory — on neutral ground/territory/ phrase in a place that is not owned by or connected with anyone involved in a situation Let’s meet somewhere on neutral territory – say a hotel. Thesaurus: separate and not relatedsynonym Main entry: neutral …   Useful english dictionary

  • Commission of Inquiry on the Situation of the French Language and Linguistic Rights in Quebec — The Commission of Inquiry on the Situation of the French Language and Linguistic Rights in Quebec was established under the Union Nationale government of Jean Jacques Bertrand on December 9, 1968. Contents 1 Background 2 Composition 3 Mandate …   Wikipedia

  • delta neutral — Describes value of a portfolio not affected by changes in the value of the asset on which the options are written. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary The term used to describe the situation where the net delta of a portfolio of options and futures is …   Financial and business terms

  • Earthing system — In sulvent systems, an earthing system defines the electrical potential of the conductors relative to that of the Earth s conductive surface. The choice of earthing system has implications for the safety and electromagnetic compatibility of the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Scissors — is an aerial dog fighting maneuver, commonly used by military fighter pilots before the advent of high thrust to weight fighters (which allow for extended maneuvering in the vertical plane) in the late 1950s to mid 1960s and later, and before the …   Wikipedia

  • Basic fighter maneuvers — Basic fighter Maneuvering (BFM) is performed by fighter aircraft during air combat maneuvering (ACM). They are generally grouped into two categories: * Offensive BFM * Defensive BFMIt is easy to fall into the trap of considering BFM to be a… …   Wikipedia

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