neutral line
Смотреть что такое "neutral line" в других словарях:
neutral line — neutralioji linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. neutral line vok. Neutrallinie, f rus. нейтральная линия, f pranc. ligne neutre, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
neutral line — noun see neutral position 1 … Useful english dictionary
neutral position — noun 1. or neutral line : the position of the brushes of a dynamoelectric machine for least sparking 2. : a position in amateur wrestling in which neither contestant has advantage over his opponent compare advantage position … Useful english dictionary
Neutral Tones — is a poem written by Thomas Hardy in 1867. Forming part of his 1898 collection Wessex Poems and Other Verses, it is the most widely praised of his early poems.[1] It is about the end of a relationship, and carries strong emotional appeal despite… … Wikipedia
Neutral spine — Classification and external resources Different regions (curvatures) of the vertebral column ICD 10 M … Wikipedia
Neutral Nation — redirects here. For a nation which is neutral in a war, see Neutrality (international relations). The Neutrals, also known as the Attawandaron, were an Iroquoian nation of North American native people who lived near the shores of Lake Ontario and … Wikipedia
Neutral — Neu tral, a. [L. neutralis, fr. neuter. See {Neuter}.] 1. Not engaged on either side; not taking part with or assisting either of two or more contending parties; neuter; indifferent. [1913 Webster] The heart can not possibly remain neutral, but… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Neutral axis — Neutral Neu tral, a. [L. neutralis, fr. neuter. See {Neuter}.] 1. Not engaged on either side; not taking part with or assisting either of two or more contending parties; neuter; indifferent. [1913 Webster] The heart can not possibly remain… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Neutral equilibrium — Neutral Neu tral, a. [L. neutralis, fr. neuter. See {Neuter}.] 1. Not engaged on either side; not taking part with or assisting either of two or more contending parties; neuter; indifferent. [1913 Webster] The heart can not possibly remain… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Neutral salt — Neutral Neu tral, a. [L. neutralis, fr. neuter. See {Neuter}.] 1. Not engaged on either side; not taking part with or assisting either of two or more contending parties; neuter; indifferent. [1913 Webster] The heart can not possibly remain… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Neutral surface — Neutral Neu tral, a. [L. neutralis, fr. neuter. See {Neuter}.] 1. Not engaged on either side; not taking part with or assisting either of two or more contending parties; neuter; indifferent. [1913 Webster] The heart can not possibly remain… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English