- neurogenic
- мед. нейрогенный;
нервного происхождения (медицина) нейрогенный;
нервного происхождения
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
neurogenic — [noor΄ōjen′ik, nyoor΄jen′ik] adj. 1. originating in nervous tissue 2. stimulated or induced by nervous factors 3. controlled by nerve impulses neurogenically adv … English World dictionary
Neurogenic — Starting with or having to do with the nerves or the nervous system. * * * neu·ro·gen·ic .n(y)u̇r ə jen ik also neu·rog·e·nous n(y)u̇ räj ə nəs adj 1 a) originating in nervous tissue <a neurogenic tumor> b) induced, controlled, or modified… … Medical dictionary
neurogenic — adjective Date: 1901 1. forming, originating in, or controlled by nervous tissue < neurogenic heartbeat > 2. induced or modified by nervous factors; especially disordered because of abnormally altered neural relations • neurogenically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
Neurogenic inflammation — is inflammation arising from the local release from afferent neurons of inflammatory mediators such as Substance P and Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide (CGRP). This process appears to play an important role in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases … Wikipedia
Neurogenic bladder — Classification and external resources ICD 10 N31.9 ICD 9 596.54 … Wikipedia
Neurogenic shock — is a distributive type of shock resulting in hypotension, occasionally with bradycardia, that is attributed to the disruption of the autonomic pathways within the spinal cord. Hypotension occurs due to decreased systemic vascular resistance… … Wikipedia
Neurogenic claudication — (NC) is a common symptom of lumbar spinal stenosis,[1][2] or inflammation of the nerves emanating from the spinal cord. Neurogenic means that the problem originates with a problem at a nerve, and claudication, from the Latin for limp, because the … Wikipedia
Neurogenic tremors — [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid= 5131835579272464555 q=whole+body+tremors hl=en Whole Body Tremors.] Neurogenic tremors are part of an instinctual procedural memory in the human animal. The tremors are a reflexogenic pattern held in… … Wikipedia
Neurogenic placodes — Latin placodae neurogenicae Code TE E05. A neurogenic placode is an area of thickening in the embryonic epithelial layer where some organ or structure later develops. The term usually refers to cranial placodes, peripheral nervous… … Wikipedia
Neurogenic diabetes insipidus — Not to be confused with Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Neurogenic diabetes insipidus Classification and external resources ICD 10 E23.2 ICD 9 … Wikipedia
neurogenic arthropathy — ▪ pathology also called Charcot joint condition characterized by the destruction of a stress bearing joint, with development of new bone around the joint. Eventually the affected individual is unable to use the joint but experiences… … Universalium