nether world — 1. the infernal regions; hell. 2. the afterworld, or the hereafter. Also, netherworld. [1630 40] * * * nether world, 1. the lower world; world of the dead; Hades. 2. the place of punishment after death; realm of the Devil; … Useful english dictionary
nether world — /ˈnɛðə wɜld/ (say nedhuh werld) noun 1. hell. 2. the afterworld. Also, nether regions …
nether world — neth′er world or neth′er•world n. 1) the infernal regions; hell 2) the criminal underworld • Etymology: 1630–40 … From formal English to slang
nether world — Synonyms and related words: Abaddon, Aides, Aidoneus, Cerberus, Charon, Cora, Despoina, Dis, Dis pater, Erebus, Gehenna, Hades, Hel, Kore, Loki, Minos, Naraka, Orcus, Osiris, Pandemonium, Persephassa, Persephone, Pluto, Proserpina, Proserpine,… … Moby Thesaurus
nether world — 1. the infernal regions; hell. 2. the afterworld, or the hereafter. Also, netherworld. [1630 40] * * * … Universalium
nether world — see netherworld … English dictionary
nether world — underworld, inferno … English contemporary dictionary
nether world — Ke ao o Milu, Milu, Ka pa a heo, poheue … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Nether — Neth er (n[e^][th] [ e]r), a. [OE. nethere, neithere, AS. ni[eth]era, fr. the adv. ni[eth]er downward; akin to neo[eth]an below, beneath, D. neder down, G. nieder, Sw. nedre below, nether, a. & adv., and also to Skr. ni down. [root]201. Cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nether — [neth′ər] adj. [ME nethere < OE neothera, akin to Ger nieder < IE base * ni , down + compar. suffix] 1. lying, or thought of as lying, below the earth s surface [the nether world] 2. lower or under [the nether tip of a crescent] … English World dictionary
nether — /ˈnɛðə / (say nedhuh) adjective 1. lying, or conceived as lying, beneath the earth s surface; infernal: the nether world. 2. lower or under: his nether lip. {Middle English; Old English neoþera, earlier ni(o)þer(r)a, from niþer (adverb) downwards …