nested structure

nested structure
структура вложенности;
гнездовая [вложенная] структура

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nested structure" в других словарях:

  • Nested association mapping — (NAM) is a technique designed by the labs of Edward Buckler, James Holland, and Michael McMullen for identifying and dissecting the genetic architecture of complex traits in corn (Zea mays). It is important to note that nested association mapping …   Wikipedia

  • Nested Context Language — (NCL) is a declarative authoring language for hypermedia documents. NCL is an XML application language, which provides several facilities for authoring a complete hypermedia document with synchronization relationships among its components. Among… …   Wikipedia

  • Nested dissection — In numerical analysis, nested dissection is a divide and conquer heuristic for the solution of sparse symmetric systems of linear equations based on graph partitioning. Nested dissection was introduced by George (1973); the name was suggested by… …   Wikipedia

  • Nested word — In computer science, more specifically in automata and formal language theory, nested words are a concept proposed by Alur and Madhusudan as a joint generalization of words, as traditionally used for modelling linearly ordered structures, and of… …   Wikipedia

  • Nested set model — The nested set model is a particular technique for representing nested sets (also known as trees or hierarchies) in relational databases. The term was apparently introduced by Joe Celko; others describe the same technique without naming it [1] or …   Wikipedia

  • Nested quotation — A nested quotation is a quotation that is encapsulated inside another quotation, forming a hierarchy with multiple levels. When focusing on a certain quotation, one must interpret it within its scope. Nested quotation can be used in literature… …   Wikipedia

  • Nested quote — A nested quote is a quote that is encapsulated inside another quote, forming a hierarchy with multiple levels. When focusing on a certain quote, one must interpret it within its scope. Nested quotes can be used in literature (as in nested… …   Wikipedia

  • Nested hierarchy — A nested hierarchy is the name given to the hierarchical structure of groups within groups or branches from a trunk used to classify organisms. For example, a species is a subset of a genus, which is a subset of a family, which is a subset of an… …   Wikipedia

  • nested — nestɪd adj. placed within; having the quality that each set is contained in the previous set (Mathematics) nest n. structure in which a bird lays eggs and cares for its young; any animal s lair; brood of animals; object shaped like a bird s… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • nested caldera — GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS A type of caldera which is found within a larger, older caldera structure …   Glossary of volcanic terms

  • Tree structure — A tree structure showing the possible hierarchical organization of an encyclopedia …   Wikipedia

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